
I have a cluster HDP 2.6 (High Available, 8 nodes) and like to try using 
Hive+Orc+Tez with Ignite. I guess I should use IFGS as cache layer for HDFS.
I installed Hadoop Accelerator  1.9 on all cluster nodes and run one 
ignite-node on every cluster node.

I added these settings using Ambari  and then restarted HDFS, MapReduce, Yarn, 
HDFS, add 2 new properties to Custom core-site

Mapred, Custom mapred-site

Hive, Custom hive-site

Now I can get access to HDFS through IGFS
hadoop fs -ls igfs:///user/hive
Found 3 items
drwx------  - hive hdfs          0 2017-04-19 21:00 igfs:///user/hive/.Trash
drwxr-xr-x  - hive hdfs          0 2017-04-19 10:07 igfs:///user/hive/.hiveJars
drwx------  - hive hdfs          0 2017-04-22 14:27 igfs:///user/hive/.staging

I thought that Hive read data from HDFS first time and then read the same data 
from IFGS.
But when I run HIVE (cli or beeline) it still reads data from HDFS (I tried a 
few times), in igniteVisor "Avg. free heap" remains the same 
before/during/after running query (about 80%).
What is wrong? May be I should load data to IFGS manually for every query?

Attachment: default-config.xml
Description: XML document

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