
I heard from chat that I should use an 
ADDRESS Resolver.

I will look into it.



Lukas Lentner, B. Sc.
St.-Cajetan-Straße 13
81669 München
Fon:     +49 / 89  / 71 67 44 96
Mobile:  +49 / 176 / 24 77 09 22
E-Mail:  kont...@lukaslentner.de
Website: www.LukasLentner.de

IBAN:    DE33 7019 0000 0001 1810 17
BIC:     GENODEF1M01 (Münchner Bank)

Von: Lukas Lentner [mailto:kont...@lukaslentner.de]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. April 2017 08:58
An: user@ignite.apache.org
Betreff: Network Discovery inside docker containers


I have a question about Discovery in a Docker environment.

I have multiple machines running multiple docker containers with ignite in it. 
I want to use JDBC Discovery. I give every container a dedicated communication 
port and discovery port.
My understanding was that the Database Table should be filled with HOSTs and 
PORTs that can be reached from any ignite node so that they can find each 
other. So that's why I exposed both ports through docker to the outside for 
each container without relaying it (changing the port number). You could call 
machine-1-ip:container-1-discovery-port to discover the "Container 1" inside 
"Machine 1".

To achive that I set discoveryLocalAddress to the ip of the docker host (the 
machine). But it seems that does not work because this address is also used to 
bind the socket inside the docker container.

As I do not care on which network interface ignite is binding inside the docker 
container from this perspective I would not set the localAddress of the 

How can I not set the local discovery address (because of binding) but still 
make the JDBC-Discovery-IP-Finder put the machine ip inside the database table?

It is not about retrieving the machine ip. At all times I have that!



Lukas Lentner, B. Sc.

St.-Cajetan-Straße 13
81669 München

Fon:     +49 / 89  / 71 67 44 96
Mobile:  +49 / 176 / 24 77 09 22

E-Mail:  kont...@lukaslentner.de<mailto:kont...@lukaslentner.de>
Website: www.LukasLentner.de<http://www.LukasLentner.de>

IBAN:    DE33 7019 0000 0001 1810 17
BIC:     GENODEF1M01 (Münchner Bank)

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