Hi Roman,

I tried that but after looking at it a bit i realized that the way that the
config/default-config.xml is looked up depends on which directory from
which one launches the application JVM..for example below are two console
logs one launched from the server directory & one launched a few
directories higher..notice how the look up path changes between the two
invocations....so putting it under work may not help...it looks like a
defect...what do you think?

1. When launched from server/ directory,

*C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Work\server>java -Xdebug
-Dserver.port=8888 -Ddb.host=localhost -Ddb.port=5432 -Ddb.name=postgres
-DIGNITE_QUIET=false -jar target\server-i*
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v1.5.2.RELEASE)

2017-05-26 01:09:19.622  INFO 10904 --- [           main]
c.b.dcm.server.ObjectCacheApplication    : Starting ObjectCacheApplication
v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT on VM-W2K8-50-168 with PID 10904
\server-ignite-l2cache-poc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar started by Administrator in

>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> Ignite ver. 2.0.0#20170430-sha1:d4eef3c68ff116ee34bc13648cd82c640b3ea072
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> OS name: Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 amd64
>>> CPU(s): 4
>>> Heap: 3.6GB
>>> VM name: 10904@VM-W2K8-50-168
>>> Ignite instance name: myBatisObjectGrid
>>> Local node [ID=85CB79D2-BCB3-4B78-A39A-3E8D6BB1E656, order=102,
>>> Local node addresses: [VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,
VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/, /,
>>> Local ports: TCP:11211 TCP:47100 UDP:47400 TCP:47500

May 26, 2017 1:09:37 AM org.apache.ignite.logger.java.JavaLogger info
INFO: Topology snapshot [ver=102, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=4, heap=3.6GB]
2017-05-26 01:09:37.878  INFO 10904 --- [           main]
o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader      : *Loading XML bean definitions
from file
2017-05-26 01:09:37.880  WARN 10904 --- [           main]
o.m.caches.ignite.IgniteCacheAdapter     : *Initializing the default cache.
Consider properly configuring 'config/default-config.xml' instead*.
May 26, 2017 1:09:37 AM org.apache.ignite.logger.java.JavaLogger info
INFO: Started cache [name=com.brocade.dcm.domain.mapper.PostsMapper,
memoryPolicyName=null, mode=PARTITIONED]


2. When launched from three directory levels higher of server/ directory,

*C:\Users\Administrator>java -Xdebug
-Dserver.port=8888 -Ddb.host=localhost -Ddb.port=5432 -Ddb.name=postgres
-DIGNITE_QUIET=false -jar Documents\Work\server\target\server-i*
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v1.5.2.RELEASE)

2017-05-26 01:00:19.161  INFO 14176 --- [           main]
c.b.dcm.server.ObjectCacheApplication    : Starting ObjectCacheApplication
v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT on VM-W2K8-50-168 with PID 14176
\server-ignite-l2cache-poc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar started by Administrator in

>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> Ignite ver. 2.0.0#20170430-sha1:d4eef3c68ff116ee34bc13648cd82c640b3ea072
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> OS name: Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 amd64
>>> CPU(s): 4
>>> Heap: 3.6GB
>>> VM name: 14176@VM-W2K8-50-168
>>> Ignite instance name: myBatisObjectGrid
>>> Local node [ID=96746C45-779D-4792-A3A1-17C88C2A70A1, order=100,
>>> Local node addresses: [VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,
VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/, /,
>>> Local ports: TCP:11211 TCP:47100 UDP:47400 TCP:47500

May 26, 2017 1:00:36 AM org.apache.ignite.logger.java.JavaLogger info
INFO: Topology snapshot [ver=100, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=4, heap=3.6GB]
2017-05-26 01:00:36.760  INFO 14176 --- [           main]
o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader      : *Loading XML bean definitions
from file [C:\Users\Administrator\config\default-config.xml]*
2017-05-26 01:00:36.762  WARN 14176 --- [           main]
o.m.caches.ignite.IgniteCacheAdapter     : *Initializing the default cache.
Consider properly configuring 'config/default-config.xml' instead.*
May 26, 2017 1:00:36 AM org.apache.ignite.logger.java.JavaLogger info
INFO: Started cache [name=com.brocade.dcm.domain.mapper.PostsMapper,
memoryPolicyName=null, mode=PARTITIONED]


-- The latest fact in modern technology isn't that machines will begin to
think like people, but that people will begin to think like machines.
-- Nothing exists except atoms and empty space, everything else is opinion
- *Democritus*

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 2:33 AM, Roman Shtykh [via Apache Ignite Users] <
ml+s70518n13143...@n6.nabble.com> wrote:

> If you move you config/default-config.xml to have it under server/ (I am
> talking only about Intellij IDEA here), it will pick up your file.
> Otherwise, the default configuration will be used.
> -- Roman
> On Thursday, May 25, 2017 5:51 PM, Muthu <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=13143&i=0>> wrote:
> Okay one thing i have confirmed again now (i am running a windows vm) for
> mybatis-ignite if i do not download ignite (apache-ignite-fabric-2.0.0-bin),
> set IGNITE_HOME to the downloaded location & copy my default-config.xml to
> the config directory of the IGNITE_HOME the ignite configuration in that
> file is never read..below is the console log for it where i have marked
> some lines with a marker (----??????????????------) to highlight the
> same...i also see this stated as a requirement in the code for mybatis
> ignite cache adapter..see http://www.mybatis.org/ignite-
> cache/jacoco/org.mybatis.caches.ignite/IgniteCacheAdapter.java.html. Are
> you sure in your case it picked up the default-config.xml or did it just
> start ignite with defaults just like the below.
> [01:30:20] (wrn) Failed to resolve IGNITE_HOME automatically for class
> codebase [class=class o.a.i.i.util.IgniteUtils, e=URI is not hierarchical]
> ----??????????????------[01:30:20] *(wrn) Default Spring XML file not
> found (is IGNITE_HOME set?): config/default-config.xml *
> ----??????????????------
> 2017-05-25 01:30:20.921 ERROR 12204 --- [
> main]                                          : Failed to resolve
> default logging config file: config/java.util.logging.properties
> Console logging handler is not configured.
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.048  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :
> >>>    __________  ________________
> >>>   /  _/ ___/ |/ /  _/_  __/ __/
> >>>  _/ // (7 7    // /  / / / _/
> >>> /___/\___/_/|_/___/ /_/ /___/
> >>>
> >>> ver. 2.0.0#20170430-sha1:d4eef3c6
> >>> 2017 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
> >>>
> >>> Ignite documentation: http://ignite.apache.org
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.049  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Config URL: n/a
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.049  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Daemon mode: off
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.050  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1
> amd64
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.050  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : OS user: Administrator
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.060  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : PID: 12204
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.061  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Language runtime: Java
> Platform API Specification ver. 1.8
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.062  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : VM information: Java(TM) SE
> Runtime Environment 1.8.0_131-b11 Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM)
> 64-Bit Server VM 25.131-b11
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.063  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : VM total memory: 3.6GB
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.063  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Remote Management [restart:
> off, REST: on, JMX (remote: off)]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.064  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : IGNITE_HOME=null
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.064  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : VM arguments: [-Xdebug,
> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n,
> -Dserver.port=8888, -Ddb.host=, -Ddb
> .port=5432, -Ddb.name=postgres, -DIGNITE_QUIET=false]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.067  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : System cache's MemoryPolicy
> size is configured to 40 MB. Use MemoryConfiguration.systemCacheMemorySize
> property to change the setting
> .
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.071  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Configured caches [in
> 'default' memoryPolicy: ['ignite-sys-cache', 'ignite-atomics-sys-cache']]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.092  WARN 12204 --- [  pub-#11%null%]
> o.apache.ignite.internal.GridDiagnostic  : This operating system has been
> tested less rigorously: Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 amd64. Our team will
> appreciate the feedback if you
>  experience any problems running ignite in this environment.
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.104  WARN 12204 --- [  pub-#14%null%]
> o.apache.ignite.internal.GridDiagnostic  : Initial heap size is 256MB
> (should be no less than 512MB, use -Xms512m -Xmx512m).
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.342  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.p.plugin.IgnitePluginProcessor
> : Configured plugins:
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.344  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.p.plugin.IgnitePluginProcessor
> :   ^-- None
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.346  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.p.plugin.IgnitePluginProcessor
> :
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.566  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.s.c.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi
> : Successfully bound communication NIO server to TCP port [port=47100,
> locHost=<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" onclick="return
> window.theMainWindow.showLinkWarning(this)" href="";>
>, selectorsCnt=4, selectorSpins=0, paired
> Conn=false]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.647  WARN 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.s.c.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi
> : Message queue limit is set to 0 which may lead to potential OOMEs when
> running cache operations in FULL_ASYNC or PRIMARY_SYNC modes d
> ue to message queues growth on sender and receiver sides.
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.716  WARN 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.s.c.noop.NoopCheckpointSpi
> : Checkpoints are disabled (to enable configure any GridCheckpointSpi
> implementation)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.810  WARN 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.m.c.GridCollisionManager
> : Collision resolution is disabled (all jobs will be activated upon
> arrival).
> 2017-05-25 01:30:22.814  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Security status
> [authentication=off, tls/ssl=off]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:23.473  WARN 12204 --- [           main] i.p.c.d.
> IgniteCacheDatabaseSharedManager : No user-defined default MemoryPolicy
> found; system default of 1GB size will be used.
> 2017-05-25 01:30:23.984  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> o.a.i.i.p.r.p.tcp.GridTcpRestProtocol    : Command protocol successfully
> started [name=TCP binary, host=<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect"
> target="_blank" onclick="return window.theMainWindow.showLinkWarning(this)"
> href="";>, port=11211]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:24.414  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Non-loopback local IPs:
>,, 2620:100:0:fe07:2c72:f331:9245:123d,
> fe80:0:0:0:0:5efe:a18:32a8%net4, fe80:0:0:0:
> 0:5efe:c0a8:3801%net5, fe80:0:0:0:2c72:f331:9245:123d%eth3,
> fe80:0:0:0:697d:f11d:92cb:4697%eth4
> 2017-05-25 01:30:24.416  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Enabled local MACs:
> 00000000000000E0, 00505687525E, 0A002700000D
> 2017-05-25 01:30:24.527  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> o.a.i.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi  : Successfully bound to TCP port
> [port=47500, localHost=<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank"
> onclick="return window.theMainWindow.showLinkWarning(this)" href="
>";>, locNodeId=0ea5fc00-c34e-417d-
> 8fce-0615f9eec00b]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:24.545  WARN 12204 --- [           main] 
> .s.d.t.i.m.TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder
> : TcpDiscoveryMulticastIpFinder has no pre-configured addresses (it is
> recommended in production to specify at least one address in Tcp
> DiscoveryMulticastIpFinder.getAddresses() configuration property)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:26.850  INFO 12204 --- [omm-0-#17%null%] 
> o.a.i.s.c.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi
> : Accepted incoming communication connection [locAddr=/<a rel="nofollow"
> shape="rect" target="_blank" onclick="return 
> window.theMainWindow.showLinkWarning(this)"
> href="";>, rmtAddr=/<a
> rel="nofollow" shape="rect" target="_blank" onclick="return
> window.theMainWindow.showLinkWarning(this)" href="";
> >]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:27.726  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor
> : Started cache [name=ignite-sys-cache, memoryPolicyName=sysMemPlc,
> 2017-05-25 01:30:27.756  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor
> : Started cache [name=ignite-atomics-sys-cache,
> memoryPolicyName=sysMemPlc, mode=PARTITIONED]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.098  INFO 12204 --- [orker-#30%null%] .i.p.c.
> GridCachePartitionExchangeManager : Skipping rebalancing (nothing
> scheduled) [top=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=94, minorTopVer=0],
> evt=NODE_JOINED, node=0ea5fc00-c34e
> -417d-8fce-0615f9eec00b]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.257  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Performance suggestions for
> grid  (fix if possible)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.262  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : To disable, set
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.265  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :   ^-- Enable G1 Garbage
> Collector (add '-XX:+UseG1GC' to JVM options)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.267  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :   ^-- Specify JVM heap max
> size (add '-Xmx<size>[g|G|m|M|k|K]' to JVM options)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.268  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :   ^-- Set max direct memory
> size if getting 'OOME: Direct buffer memory' (add 
> '-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>[g|G|m|M|k|K]'
> to JVM op
> tions)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.270  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :   ^-- Disable processing of
> calls to System.gc() (add '-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' to JVM options)
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.271  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : Refer to this page for more
> performance suggestions: https://apacheignite.readme.
> io/docs/jvm-and-system-tuning
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.272  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.274  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  : To start Console Management &
> Monitoring run ignitevisorcmd.{sh|bat}
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.275  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.279  INFO 12204 --- [           main]
> org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal  :
> >>> +-----------------------------------------------------------
> -----------+
> >>> Ignite ver. 2.0.0#20170430-sha1:d4eef3c68ff116ee34bc13648cd82c
> 640b3ea072
> >>> +-----------------------------------------------------------
> -----------+
> >>> OS name: Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1 amd64
> >>> CPU(s): 4
> >>> Heap: 3.6GB
> >>> VM name: 12204@VM-W2K8-50-168
> ----??????????????------>>> *Local node
> [ID=0EA5FC00-C34E-417D-8FCE-0615F9EEC00B, order=94, clientMode=false] *
> ----??????????????------
> >>> Local node addresses: [VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.
> brocade.com/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
> <http://vm-w2k8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1>,
> VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/
> <http://vm-w2k8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/>,
> VM-W2K8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/
> <http://vm-w2k8-50-168.englab.brocade.com/>, /<a rel="nofollow"
> shape="rect" target="_blank" onclick="return 
> window.theMainWindow.showLinkWarning(this)"
> href="";>, /2620:100:0:fe07:2c72:f331:
> 9245:123d]
> >>> Local ports: TCP:11211 TCP:47100 UDP:47400 TCP:47500
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.296  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.a.i.i.m.d.GridDiscoveryManager
> : Topology snapshot [ver=94, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=4, heap=3.6GB]
> 2017-05-25 01:30:28.313  INFO 12204 --- [           main] 
> o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> : Loading XML bean definitions from file [C:\Users\Administrator\
> Documents\Work\server\config\default-config.xml]
> ----??????????????------2017-05-25 01:30:28.315*  WARN 12204 ---
> [           main] o.m.caches.ignite.IgniteCacheAdapter     : Initializing
> the default cache. Consider properly configuring
> 'config/default-config.xml' instead. *----??????????????------
> ----??????????????------2017-05-25 01:30:28.466*  INFO 12204 ---
> [orker-#30%null%] o.a.i.i.p.cache.GridCacheProcessor       : Started cache
> [name=com.brocade.dcm.domain.mapper.PostsMapper, memoryPolicyName=null,
> mode=PARTITIONED]* ----??????????????------
> Regards,
> Muthu
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 12:58 AM, Roman Shtykh <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=13143&i=1>> wrote:
> I didn't download and start any other node -- one server node is started
> according to your configuration (default-config.xml) when you use MyBatis
> caching. So it was only one node.
> If you have an Ignite cluster and want your new node (you start for L2
> cache), please make sure that your L2 cache have identical configuration.
> No warnings, just a normal Ignite start.
> -- Roman
> On Thursday, May 25, 2017 3:57 PM, mlekshma <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=13143&i=2>> wrote:
> Hmm...so its something in my environment then?....also couple of
> questions..did you have to first download ignite & setup IGNITE_HOME env
> variable? Also did you first start ignite from the command line by placing
> the default-config.xml from the project (under config dir of server
> project)
> in the IGNITE_HOME config dir? Do you see mybatis ignite cache adapter
> picking up the configuration from it?...or do you see something like this
> in
> the logs "Initializing the default cache. Consider properly configuring
> 'config/default-config.xml' instead."....and when the objects are cached
> are
> they being part of the configured grid?
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-ignite-users.
> 70518.x6.nabble.com/MyBatis- Ignite-L2-cache-Integration-
> does-not-work-with-Ignite-2-0- tp13126p13137.html
> <http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/MyBatis-Ignite-L2-cache-Integration-does-not-work-with-Ignite-2-0-tp13126p13137.html>
> Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ------------------------------
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/MyBatis-
> Ignite-L2-cache-Integration-does-not-work-with-Ignite-2-0-
> tp13126p13143.html
> To unsubscribe from MyBatis Ignite L2 cache Integration does not work with
> Ignite 2.0, click here
> <http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=unsubscribe_by_code&node=13126&code=bXV0aHUua3VtYXJhbi5sQGdtYWlsLmNvbXwxMzEyNnw0MjQzMzgxNDU=>
> .
> <http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=macro_viewer&id=instant_html%21nabble%3Aemail.naml&base=nabble.naml.namespaces.BasicNamespace-nabble.view.web.template.NabbleNamespace-nabble.view.web.template.NodeNamespace&breadcrumbs=notify_subscribers%21nabble%3Aemail.naml-instant_emails%21nabble%3Aemail.naml-send_instant_email%21nabble%3Aemail.naml>

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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