
are there any concerns about larg-ish keys, like a UUID?

What if even larger, like a string of variable length?

I am using Ignite SQL.

Some objects have a single primary key, and in most cases it is a UUID. I am 
trying to decide if we should
a) create an artificial key (long) and have an id field (the UUID), or
b) use the UUID as the key (and have no query field for id, only the Java POJO 

Other objects have a composite primary key. Again I have the choice to either
a) use an artificial Long as the key, or
b) concatenate the fields into a string and us the string as the key.
In this case I also need the individual fields as query fields. All queries are 
by field predicates (never by key).

Lastly, can Ignite generate a unique one on insert?



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