Hello there

   I am new to Yarkstick, when I was running benckmark-run-all.sh with the 
attached property file, I usually see below error:

ERROR: Driver process has not started on dserver1 during 10.0 seconds.
Type "--help" for usage.
<20:26:05><yardstick> Driver is started on dserver1 with id=0
<20:26:05><yardstick> Driver is stopped on dserver1
<20:26:06><yardstick> Server is stopped on dserver2
<20:26:06><yardstick> Server is stopped on dserver3
<20:26:06><yardstick> Server is stopped on dserver4
<20:26:06><yardstick> Server is stopped on dserver5

what is the reason this error takes place?
thanks for any idea.

Attachment: test.properties
Description: test.properties

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