>  git refused to clone the repo in GitExtensions
"git clone https://github.com/apache/ignite.git"; in console should work

> Is the ‘data’ pointer actually a pointer to the unmanaged memory in the
off heap cache containing this element
It is just a pointer, it can point both to managed or unmanaged memory.
Yes, in some cases we have a pointer to unmanaged memory that comes from
Java side, but it is always a copy of the actual cache data.
Otherwise it would be quite difficult to maintain atomicity and the like.

Generally, I don't think we should introduce pointers and other unsafe
stuff in the public API.
Performance is important, but correctness is always a priority.

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 5:25 AM, Raymond Wilson <raymond_wil...@trimble.com>

> I had not seen that page yet – very useful.
> There’s a few moving parts to getting it working, so not sure I will get
> time to really dig into, but will have a look for sure.
> I did pull a static copy of the source (after git refused to clone the
> repo in GitExtensions) and started looking at the code. It does seem
> relatively simple to add appropriate methods to the appropriate interface
> and implementation classes.
> Question: When I see a method like this in BinaryStreamBase.cs:
>         /// <summary>
>         /// Read byte array.
>         /// </summary>
>         /// <param name="cnt">Count.</param>
>         /// <returns>
>         /// Byte array.
>         /// </returns>
>         public abstract byte[] ReadByteArray(int cnt);
>         protected static byte[] ReadByteArray0(int len, byte* data)
>         {
>             byte[] res = new byte[len];
>             fixed (byte* res0 = res)
>             {
>                 CopyMemory(data, res0, len);
>             }
>             return res;
>         }
> Is the ‘data’ pointer actually a pointer to the unmanaged memory in the
> off heap cache containing this element? If so, would this permit ‘user
> defined’ operations to performed, something like this? [or does Ignite.Net
> Linq already support this]?
>         /// <summary>
>         /// Perform action on a range of byte array elements with a
> delegate
>         /// </summary>
>         /// <param name="index">Start at.</param>
>         /// <param name="cnt">Count.</param>
>         /// <returns>
>         /// Nothing
>         /// </returns>
>         protected static void PerformByteArrayOperation(int index, int
> len, Action<byte> action, byte* data)
>         {
>             fixed (byte* res0 = &res[index])
>             {
>                 for (int i = 0; I < len; i++)
>                 {
>                      action(res0++);
>                 }
>             }
>         }
> There’s probably a nice way to genericize this across multiple array
> types, but it’s useful as an example.
> In this way you can operate on the data without the need to move it around
> all the time between unmanaged and managed contexts.
> Thanks,
> Raymond.
> *From:* Pavel Tupitsyn [mailto:ptupit...@apache.org]
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 3, 2017 7:21 PM
> *To:* user@ignite.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Accessing array elements within items cached in Ignite
> without deserialising the entire item
> Great!
> Here's .NET development page, in case you haven't seen it yet:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/Ignite.NET+Development
> Let me know if you need any assistance.
> Pavel
> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 5:28 AM, Raymond Wilson <raymond_wil...@trimble.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> Thanks for putting it on the plan.
> I’ve been reading through the ‘how to contribute’ documentation to see
> what’s required and have pulled a static download of the Git repository to
> start looking at the code. I’ll see… J
> Thanks,
> Raymond.
> *From:* Pavel Tupitsyn [mailto:ptupit...@apache.org]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 2, 2017 9:08 PM
> *To:* user@ignite.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Accessing array elements within items cached in Ignite
> without deserialising the entire item
> Actually, you are right, we can add this easily, because internal API
> allows random stream access.
> I've filed a ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-5904
> Thank you for a good suggestion!
> And, by the way, everyone is welcome to contribute, this ticket can be a
> perfect start!
> Pavel
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:46 AM, Raymond Wilson <
> raymond_wil...@trimble.com> wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> Thanks for the clarifications. I certainly appreciate that cross platform
> protocols constrain what can be done…
> Thanks for pointing out IBinaryRawReader.
> Regarding random access into arrays, is this something that is on the
> books for a future version?
> Thanks,
> Raymond.
> *From:* Pavel Tupitsyn [mailto:ptupit...@apache.org]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 1, 2017 11:31 PM
> *To:* user@ignite.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Accessing array elements within items cached in Ignite
> without deserialising the entire item
> Hi Raymond,
> First of all, BinaryObject is a cross-platform concept, it exists in C#,
> C++, Java.
> From C# point of view there are some inconsistencies (like nullable Guid,
> or non-generic collections),
> but these things are dictated by the existing protocol, so we can't change
> them.
> In most cases you can just use WriteObject<>/ReadObject<> methods to avoid
> these inconsistencies.
> 1. You can implement array pooling yourself using IBinaryRawReader methods.
>    For example, byte array is written like rawWriter.WriteByte(arr.Length);
> for (...) rawWriter.WriteByte(arr[i]);
>    I think an extension method would be easy to write.
> 2. See above, use WriteObject<>/ReadObject<> to avoid dealing with
> nullables
> 3. Random array access is not possible with current API.
> Thanks,
> Pavel
> On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 2:46 AM, Raymond Wilson <raymond_wil...@trimble.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve been looking at IBinarizable and IBinarySerializer with regards to
> controlling object serialization (using the Ignite.Net client).
> A couple of questions:
> 1.       Some of the APIs in IBinarizable allow for a factory methods to
> control construction of collection and dictionary elements, but not for
> array elements (which could allow for performance optimization through
> array pooling).
> 2.       GUID and DateTime elements are nullable (and there is no
> non-nullable variant for these types). Apart from being inconsistent with
> all the other types supported in the API, nullability in .Net carries a
> performance penalty. Curious as to why these types are defined like this?
> 3.       I see it is possible to read arrays of elements. But I see no
> way to read a particular element within an array without deserialising the
> entire array. Is it possible to do something like  byte ReadByte(string
> fieldname, uint index); ?
> Thanks,
> Raymond.

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