We have a test machine which has 8 cores with 32Gb ram.
We are using ignite 1.8.3.
On ignite there is only one cache which has 10M records (db size 7Gb~
ignite cache size 14Gb~)
We reload this cache with a cron scheduler.(Every night)

For example:
cacheName: products (alias)
realCacheName: products+oldTimestamp

-cron triggered.
-create cache with name “products+newTimestamp”
-load data from db to cache
-when loading finishes, we map the products cache to
“products+newTimestamp” and later(after 1 min) destroy the old cache;

While we measuring the cache.get() times with only one client we
encountered 4.5sec delay while ignite.destroyCache(realOldCacheName)

On our production machine (200+ core with 500Gb ram)(a couple of 100M
records of caches), this delay dramatically increases to minutes and all
ignite clients hang while destroying the cache.

what can we do to destroy cache without hanging the cluster?

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