Dear support team,

I am trying to estimate memory efficiently available for cache payload in
cluster. I base my calculation on Can you please
confirm that the following formula gives rough but realistic estimation of
memory available for caches in a small/medium size cluster:

Effective capacity = (<Total_RAM> - 300Mb (OS) - 300Mb (Ignite JVM) - 100Mb
(Monitoring Agent JVM in deployed on each node)) * Number_of_nodes

So if there are 2 nodes in cluster with 4Gb of RAM on each one, effective
cluster capacity is about (4096 - 700) * 2 = 6792Mb. Another example, if
there are 4 nodes with 4Gb of RAM on each one and caches use replication
factor of 2 (two), then effective cluster capacity is (4096 - 700) * 4 / 2 =
6792Mb (the same volume, but there is redundancy of data).

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