Ignite version: 2.1

   - I get the below exception when trying to query the shared pair rdd
   using sql.

Exception   : class javax.cache.CacheException
    Message     : class
Failed to parse query: select _key, _val from String
    Cause       : class
Failed to parse query: select _key, _val from String
    Stack Trace : org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.

Please see below.
*val jsonRdd = rawRdd.map(x => (x.id <http://x.id>, x.json))*
*val sharedRDDProducer: IgniteRDD[String, String] =
igniteContext.fromCache[String, String]("sharedRDDProducer")*

*val sharedRDDConsumer = igniteContext.fromCache("sharedRDDProducer")*
*val df = sharedRDDConsumer.sql("select _key, _val from String")*

   - I have also tried using the below and it gives the same error.

*val cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration[String, String]()*
*cacheCfg.setIndexedTypes(classOf[String], classOf[String])*
*val sharedRDD = igniteContext.fromCache(cacheCfg)*

   - Also, getting the below exception when trying
   *Not sure if this is related to the above issue.

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1%lo"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(

   - The other thing i noticed is that the *count()* on
*sharedRDDConsumer *always
   gives 1 whereas *count() *on *jsonRdd *gives the valid record count of
   the jsonRdd*. *Is this the expected behavior of the IgniteRDD?

Kindly let me know if there are any suggestions. Thanks.

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