Hi Sasha,

it's definitely can work faster:
1. add index for DEST_NE_NAME:

2. enable query parallelism:


2017-12-04 17:00 GMT+03:00 Sasha Haykin <sas...@radcom.com>:

> Hi,
> I Working on big POC for telecom industry solution
> I have loaded to ignite 5,000,000 objects/rows (I loaded it in the client
> side Please find the code below)
> In the metric the used of heap looks too small (for 5M rows) is it normal
> utilization?
> [04-12-2017 13:10:27][INFO ][grid-timeout-worker-#23][IgniteKernal]
> Metrics for local node (to disable set 'metricsLogFrequency' to 0)
>     ^-- Node [id=c4f42f84, uptime=00:37:00.639]
>     ^-- H/N/C [hosts=2, nodes=2, CPUs=12]
>     ^-- CPU [cur=0.13%, avg=4.76%, GC=0%]
>     ^-- PageMemory [pages=818037]
>     ^-- Heap [used=1655MB, free=59.53%, comm=4090MB]
>     ^-- Non heap [used=63MB, free=95.82%, comm=65MB]
>     ^-- Public thread pool [active=0, idle=1, qSize=0]
>     ^-- System thread pool [active=0, idle=8, qSize=0]
>     ^-- Outbound messages queue [size=0]
> [04-12-2017 13:10:27][INFO ][grid-timeout-worker-#23][IgniteKernal]
> FreeList [name=null, buckets=256, dataPages=600522, reusePages=0]
> When I’m querying the data VIA JDBC the performance is very bad (I’m
> comparing it to VERTICA DB)
> What I’m doing wrong?
> The success factors for the POC is to  query from  100M rows of data (with
> filters on dates+ filter on one element ) and get results in 3 seconds is
> it possible to achieve it with Ignite?
> Here are the example of the data + query:
> *SELECT* *count*(*) *FROM* HPA *WHERE* DEST_NE_NAME='destDest17' ;
> COUNT(*) |
> ---------|
> 48382    |
> *Query execution **time is more than 7 seconds*
> *Data sample:*
> |VLAN_ID |
> ----|---------------------|---------------------|-----------
> ----------|-------------|------------------|----------------
> --------|-----------------------------|-------------------|-
> -------------------|-------------|-------------------|------
> -------------|---------------------------|------------------
> -----|-------------------|---------------|--------------|---
> ------------|---------------|--------------------|----------
> ----------|-------------------------------|--------|
> 0   |APPLICATION_ID_NAME9 |1                    |6
> |1                            |1                  |9
> |ORIGIN_HOST3 |ORIGIN_REALM_NAME6 |6                  |4
>                      |8                      |PROCEDURE_SUBTYPE2
> |17             |43            |RELEASE_TYPE7  |SourceDest71   |2017-12-04
> 14:37:56 |2017-12-04 14:37:56 |TRANSPORT_LAYER_PROTOCOL_NAME1 |48      |
> 1   |APPLICATION_ID_NAME7 |7                    |1
> |8                            |6                  |4
> |29                         |3                      |PROCEDURE_SUBTYPE2
> |15             |20            |RELEASE_TYPE77 |SourceDest33   |2017-12-04
> 14:37:57 |2017-12-04 14:37:57 |TRANSPORT_LAYER_PROTOCOL_NAME7 |47      |
> There are indexes:
> ID
> [04-12-2017 13:09:44][INFO 
> ][grid-nio-worker-tcp-comm-2-#27][TcpCommunicationSpi]
> Accepted incoming communication connection [locAddr=/,
> rmtAddr=/]
> [04-Dec-2017 13:09:52][WARN ][query-#290][IgniteH2Indexing] Query
> execution is too long [time=7152 ms, sql='SELECT
> COUNT(*) __C0_0
> WHERE __Z0.DEST_NE_NAME = ?1', plan=
>     COUNT(*) AS __C0_0
> , parameters=[destDest17]]
> [04-12-2017 13:10:27][INFO ][grid-timeout-worker-#23][IgniteKernal]
> Metrics for local node (to disable set 'metricsLogFrequency' to 0)
>     ^-- Node [id=c4f42f84, uptime=00:37:00.639]
>     ^-- H/N/C [hosts=2, nodes=2, CPUs=12]
>     ^-- CPU [cur=0.13%, avg=4.76%, GC=0%]
>     ^-- PageMemory [pages=818037]
>     ^-- Heap [used=1655MB, free=59.53%, comm=4090MB]
>     ^-- Non heap [used=63MB, free=95.82%, comm=65MB]
>     ^-- Public thread pool [active=0, idle=1, qSize=0]
>     ^-- System thread pool [active=0, idle=8, qSize=0]
>     ^-- Outbound messages queue [size=0]
> [04-12-2017 13:10:27][INFO ][grid-timeout-worker-#23][IgniteKernal]
> FreeList [name=null, buckets=256, dataPages=600522, reusePages=0]
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------Client---------------------------------
> ------------------------------------
> Out put:
> [15:09:44] Topology snapshot [ver=6, servers=1, clients=1, CPUs=12,
> heap=5.8GB]
> SQL Result: [[48382]]
> GET in sec: 7377
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------code-------------------------------
> ----------------------------
> */* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more *
> contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with *
> this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The
> ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the
> "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the
> License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *
> http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
> <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> * * Unless required by
> applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the
> License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
> CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for
> the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the
> License. */ **package *org.apache.ignite.examples.persistentstore;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.IgniteDataStreamer;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.Ignition;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.cache.query.QueryCursor;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlFieldsQuery;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.examples.datagrid.CacheQueryExample;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.examples.model.Organization;
> *import *org.apache.ignite.configuration.CollectionConfiguration;
> *import *java.util.List;
> */** * This example demonstrates the usage of Apache Ignite Persistent
> Store. * <p> * To execute this example you should start an instance of
> {@link PersistentStoreExampleNodeStartup} * class which will start up an
> Apache Ignite remote server node with a proper configuration. * <p> * When
> {@code UPDATE} parameter of this example is set to {@code true}, the
> example will populate * the cache with some data and will then run a sample
> SQL query to fetch some results. * <p> * When {@code UPDATE} parameter of
> this example is set to {@code false}, the example will run * the SQL query
> against the cache without the initial data pre-loading from the store. *
> <p> * You can populate the cache first with {@code UPDATE} set to {@code
> true}, then restart the nodes and * run the example with {@code UPDATE} set
> to {@code false} to verify that Apache Ignite can work with the * data that
> is in the persistence only. */ **public class *HPAPersistentStoreExample {
> */** Organizations cache name. */     **private static final *String 
> *= CacheQueryExample.*class*.getSimpleName() + *"HPA"*;
> */** */     **private static final boolean **UPDATE *= *true*;
> */**      * @param **args *
> *Program arguments, ignored.      * @throws Exception If failed.      */
>     **public static void *main(String[] args) *throws *Exception {
>         Ignition.*setClientMode*(*true*);
>         *try *(Ignite ignite = Ignition.*start*(
> *"D:/apache-ignite-2.3.0-src/examples/config/persistentstore/example-persistent-store.xml"*
> )) {
> *// Activate the cluster. Required to do if the persistent store is
> enabled because you might need             // to wait while all the nodes,
> that store a subset of data on disk, join the cluster.             *
> ignite.active(*true*);
>             CacheConfiguration<Long, HPA> cacheCfg = *new *
> CacheConfiguration<>(*ORG_CACHE*);
>             cacheCfg.setSqlSchema(*"PUBLIC"*);
>             cacheCfg.setAtomicityMode(CacheAtomicityMode.*TRANSACTIONAL*);
>             cacheCfg.setBackups(1);
>             cacheCfg.setWriteSynchronizationMode(
> CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.*FULL_SYNC*);
>             cacheCfg.setStatisticsEnabled(*true*);
>             cacheCfg.setIndexedTypes(Long.*class*, HPA.*class*);
>             IgniteCache<Long, HPA> cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache(
> cacheCfg);
>             *if *(*UPDATE*) {
>                 System.*out*.println(*"Populating the cache..."*);
>                 *try *(IgniteDataStreamer<Long, HPA> streamer =
> ignite.dataStreamer(*ORG_CACHE*)) {
>                     streamer.allowOverwrite(*true*);
>                     *for *(*long *i = 0; i < 5000000; i++) {
>                         streamer.addData(i, *new *HPA(i));
>                         *if *(i > 0 && i % 10_000 == 0)
>                             System.*out*.println(*"Done: " *+ i);
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
> *// Run SQL without explicitly calling to loadCache().             **long
> *s = System.*currentTimeMillis*();
>             QueryCursor<List<?>> cur = cache.query(
>                 *new *SqlFieldsQuery(*"select count(*) FROM HPA where
> DEST_NE_NAME = ?"*)
>                     .setArgs(*"destDest17"*));
>             System.*out*.println(*"SQL Result: " *+ cur.getAll());
>            *long *d = System.*currentTimeMillis*() - s;
>             System.*out*.println(*"GET in sec: " *+ d);
> *// Run get() without explicitly calling to loadCach e().             *HPA
> hpa = cache.get(54321l);
>             System.*out*.println(*"GET Result: " *+ hpa);
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().
> getOffHeapAllocatedSize());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().getSize());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().
> getOffHeapBackupEntriesCount());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().getOffHeapGets());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().getOffHeapHits());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().getOffHeapMisses());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().getOffHeapPuts());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().getOffHeapEvictions());
>             System.*out*.println(cache.metrics().
> getOffHeapHitPercentage());
>         }
>     }
> }
> Regards,
> Sasha Haykin
> Senior BI Developer
> T. +972-77-7745-163
> M. +972-54-7939-700
> <http://www.radcom.com/>

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