We are using mybatis to manage connection, is that matters?

BTW, I check the code in JdbcThinTcpIo method sendRequest 
JdbcResponse sendRequest(JdbcRequest req) throws IOException {
        int cap = guessCapacity(req);

        BinaryWriterExImpl writer = new BinaryWriterExImpl(null, new
BinaryHeapOutputStream(cap), null, null);



        BinaryReaderExImpl reader = new BinaryReaderExImpl(null, new
BinaryHeapInputStream(read()), null, null, false);

        JdbcResponse res = new JdbcResponse();


        return res;

After send() execute,  run read() immediately. Is that might introduce
synchronized issue?  The msg not come back from server when read it from
client out? As in our test env, the insert action has big chance to success
after several times retry. 

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