
We have deployed apache ignite fabric 2.3

We get the below error when trying to run on more than 1 node.

 GridTimeoutProcessor: Timeout has occurred: CancelableTask
endTime=1512558510454, period=5000, cancel=false,

Code is running fine on one node when ever new node joins it is gives above
error. We are using the below properties for making the cluster. Any
pointers or help will be much appreciated.

        <property name="discoverySpi">


                <property name="socketTimeout" value="600000"/>

                <property name="networkTimeout" value="600000"/>

                                <property name="joinTimeout" value="600000"

                                <property name="ackTimeout" value="50000" />

                                <property name="statisticsPrintFrequency"
value="20000" />

                <property name="ipFinder">


                       <property name="addresses">










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