Hi All,

We are upgrading from 1.9 to 2.3 and here we are facing some issue

In 2.3 we are configuring Data Region as below

<property name="dataStorageConfiguration">

            <property name="defaultDataRegionConfiguration">
                  <property name="name" value="5GB_SWAP_Region_Swapping" />
                 `<property name="initialSize" value="#{100L * 1024 *
1024}" />
                  <property name="maxSize" value="#{5 * 1024L * 1024L *
1024L}" />
                 * <property name="swapPath"
value="/opt/ignite-manager/1.9/api/swap1" />*
*                  <property name="persistenceEnabled" value="false" >*


Here we are trying to configure swapPath and *persistenceEnabled is false.*
So i was expecting that once cache with 5GB_SWAP_Region_Swapping region
will be full then data should go to  swapPath. But we are seeing some weird
behavior here and entire data is going in *SWAP. *Can anyone help me here
if i am doing some wrong configuration or my expectations are not correct.

Thanks & Regards

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