
I'm wondering if there is a way to improve the startup time of Ignite node when 
the persistence is enabled?

It seems the time is proportional to the size (and number) of the partition 
files. This is somewhat surprising as I expected the startup time be the same 
(plus-minus some constant factor) regardless of the amount of data persisted.

The delay looks to be due to Ignite loading *all* partition files for *all* 
persistence-enabled caches as part of a node's join. Here's an example of the 
startup log output:

2018-01-18 14:00:40,230 INFO  [exchange-worker-#42%ignite-1%] 
GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager - Read checkpoint status 
2018-01-18 14:00:40,230 INFO  [exchange-worker-#42%ignite-1%] 
GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager - Applying lost cache updates since last 
checkpoint record [lastMarked=FileWALPointer [idx=1693, fileOff=7970054, 
len=60339], lastCheckpointId=d56f8ceb-2205-4bef-9ed3-a7446e34aa06]
2018-01-18 14:00:57,114 WARN  [exchange-worker-#42%ignite-1%] PageMemoryImpl - 
Page evictions started, this will affect storage performance (consider 
increasing DataRegionConfiguration#setMaxSize).
2018-01-18 14:02:05,469 INFO  [exchange-worker-#42%ignite-1%] 
GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager - Finished applying WAL changes 
[updatesApplied=0, time=85234ms]

It took ≈1.5 minute to activate a node. To add insult to injury, the eviction 
kicked in and most of the loaded pages got evicted (in this test, I had the 
caches sharing a 1GB memory region loading about 10GB of data and index). In 
general, I think it's not unreasonable to expect 1-to-10 ratio of the data 
region size to the total persisted data size.

Why load all that data in the first place? It seems like a huge waste of time. 
Can the data partitions be loaded lazily on demand while the index partition 
can still be loaded during node startup?


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