
I'm trying something out in minikube/minishift with native persistence and

I created persistent volume and a persistence volume claim and have the
IGNITE_HOME variable pointed to it. They are bounded correctly.

I can see it's making a directory ${IGNITE_HOME}/work/db with underneath a
folder corresponding to the node. 
Let's say the directory it makes is called 

- When I shutdown and restart I see that it claims the same volume and my
data is restored.

I also see it doesn't create new directory so it's using the same one

When I then scale up to 4 replica's I see that 3 other directories are
created for each new node:

Then I scale back down to 2 replica's. 

What will happen if at a later point I want to scale back up to 4 replica's?
Ignite doesn't make new directories, but reuses the existing ones.
- So what will happen with the data it finds in the existing directory (and
probably are old), how does it handle this?

- What happens in the situation that I shutdown my cluster and restart it
with 2 replica's. How does ignite know which two of the four directories to


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