Hi All
Please help me in getting the pointers, this is deciding factor for us to
further evaluate ignite. Somehow we are not convinced with just  . 1 m
records it's not responsive as that of Berkley db.
Let me know the strategy to be adopted, pointers where I am doing wrong.


On 6 Feb 2018 6:11 p.m., "Rajesh Kishore" <rajesh10si...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Further to this,
> I am re-framing what I have , pls correct me if my approach is correct or
> not.
> As of now, using only node as local cache and using native persistence
> file system. The system has less number of records around *.1 M *in main
> table and 2 M in supporting table.
> Using sql to retrieve the records using join , the sql used is
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  final String query1 = "SELECT "
>             + "f.entryID,f.attrName,f.attrValue, "
>             + "f.attrsType "
>             + "FROM "
>             +"( select st.entryID,st.attrName,st.attrValue, st.attrsType
> from "
>             +"(SELECT at1.entryID FROM \"objectclass\".Ignite_ObjectClass"
>                 + " at1 WHERE "
>                 + " at1.attrValue= ? )  t"
>             +" INNER JOIN \"Ignite_DSAttributeStore\".IGNITE_DSATTRIBUTESTORE
> st ON st.entryID = t.entryID "
>             + " WHERE st.attrKind IN ('u','o') "
>             +" ) f "
>             + " INNER JOIN "
>             + " ( "
>             +" SELECT entryID from \"dn\".Ignite_DN where parentDN like ? "
>              +")  "
>             +" dnt"
>             + " ON f.entryID = dnt.entryID"
>             + " order by f.entryID";
>         String queryWithType = query1;
>         QueryCursor<List<?>> cursor = cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery(
>             queryWithType).setEnforceJoinOrder(true).setArgs("person",
> "dc=ignite,%"));
>         System.out.println("SUBTREE "+cursor.getAll() );
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The corresponding EXPLAIN plan is
> ----------------------------------------------------
>     F.ENTRYID,
> FROM (
>     SELECT
>         ST.ENTRYID,
>         ST.ATTRNAME,
>         ST.ATTRVALUE,
>         ST.ATTRSTYPE
>     FROM (
>         SELECT
>             AT1.ENTRYID
>         FROM "objectclass".IGNITE_OBJECTCLASS AT1
>         WHERE AT1.ATTRVALUE = ?1
>     ) T
>         ON 1=1
>     WHERE (ST.ATTRKIND IN('u', 'o'))
> ) F
>     /* SELECT
>         ST.ENTRYID,
>         ST.ATTRNAME,
>         ST.ATTRVALUE,
>         ST.ATTRSTYPE
>     FROM (
>         SELECT
>             AT1.ENTRYID
>         FROM "objectclass".IGNITE_OBJECTCLASS AT1
>         WHERE AT1.ATTRVALUE = ?1
>     ) T
>         /++ SELECT
>             AT1.ENTRYID
>         FROM "objectclass".IGNITE_OBJECTCLASS AT1
>             /++ "objectclass".OBJECTCLASSNDEXED_ATTRVAL_IDX: ATTRVALUE =
> ?1 ++/
>         WHERE AT1.ATTRVALUE = ?1
>          ++/
>         /++ "Ignite_DSAttributeStore".IGNITE_DSATTRIBUTESTORE_ENTRYID_IDX:
>         ON 1=1
>     WHERE (ST.ATTRKIND IN('u', 'o'))
>      */
>     SELECT
>         ENTRYID
>     FROM "dn".IGNITE_DN
> ) DNT
>     /* SELECT
>         ENTRYID
>     FROM "dn".IGNITE_DN
>         /++ "dn".EP_DN_IDX: ENTRYID IS ?3 ++/
>      */
>     ON 1=1
> ORDER BY 1]]
> -----------------------------------------------------
> The above query takes *24 sec* to retrieve the records which we feel
> defeats the purpose , our application existing berkley db can retrieve this
> faster.
> Question is -
> a) I have attached my application models & client code , am I doing
> something wrong in defining the models and cache configuration. Right now,
> not considering distributed as I have less number of records.. What is
> recommended?
> b) What is the best memory requirement of Ignite/H2 , is 16g machine not
> good enough for the records I have as of now?
> c) does it create  performance overhead when using sql
> Please guide.
> Thanks,
> Rajesh
> On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:30 AM, Rajesh Kishore <rajesh10si...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Michael
>> Pls find my response
>> Does that mean Ignite cannot scale well against Berkley dB Incase of
>> single node?
>> Could you please clarify, what your question means?
>> (Rajesh) Our application currently uses Berkley dB and we are using it as
>> key value dB ie storing object as value as bytes, we are using our own
>> logic in application for replication.
>>    The comparison is  being done based on one node as of now.
>>  now as a poc I have considered my model to be fit in sql dB of ignite
>> What I am realizing, I get the faster result in Berkley dB against ignite
>> in just
>> .1 m records.
>> I understand that ignite is distributed system, but with just   . 1 m
>> records it's result is not comparable with Berkley dB?
>> Any pointers?
>> Regards
>> Rajesh
>> On 6 Feb 2018 8:35 a.m., "Michael Cherkasov" <michael.cherka...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Rajesh,
>> >Does that mean Ignite cannot scale well against Berkley dB Incase of
>> single node?
>> Could you please clarify, what your question means?
>> (Rajesh) Our application currently uses Berkley dB and we are using it as
>> key value dB ie storing object as value as bytes, we are using our own
>> logic in application for replication.
>>    The comparison is  being done based on one node as of now.
>>  now as a poc I have considered my model to be fit in sql dB of ignite
>> What I am realizing, I get the faster result in Berkley dB against ignite
>> in just
>> .1 m records.
>> I understand that ignite is distributed system, but with just   . 1 m
>> records it's result is not comparable with Berkley dB?
>> Any pointers?
>> Ignite can scale from a single node to hundreds(or even thousands, I have
>> seen the only cluster of 300 nodes, but this definitely not a limit).
>> It was designed to work as a distrebuted grid. So I think if you will try
>> to compare one node of Ignite with one node of SomeDB, ignite will lose.
>> But you can run 10 ignite nodes and they will be faster then 10 nodes of
>> somedb, furthermore, you can kill nodes and ignite will continue to work,
>> what will happen if a host with Berkley DB crashes?
>> So in case of crash can you transparently switch to other Berkley DB
>> node and continue to work?
>> Ignite is not just SQL DB, Ignite is a distributed data grid, it's
>> strongly consistent and HA database,
>> please make this into account when comparing it with other solutions.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike.
>> 2018-02-05 9:23 GMT-08:00 Rajesh Kishore <rajesh10si...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Christos
>>> Does that mean Ignite cannot scale well against Berkley dB Incase of
>>> single node?
>>> Regards
>>> Rajesh
>>> On 5 Feb 2018 10:08 p.m., "Christos Erotocritou" <chris...@gridgain.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rajesh,
>>>> Ignite is a distributed system, testing with one node is really not the
>>>> way.
>>>> You need to consider having multiple nodes and portion and collocate
>>>> your data before.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> C
>>>> On 5 Feb 2018, at 16:36, Rajesh Kishore <rajesh10si...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We are in the process of evaluating Ignite native persistence against
>>>> berkely db. For some reason Ignite query does not seem to be performant the
>>>> way application code behaves against berkley db
>>>> Background:
>>>> Berkley db - As of now, we have berkley db for our application and the
>>>> data is stored as name value pair as byte stream in the berkley db's native
>>>> file system.
>>>> Ignite DB - We are using Ignite DB's native persistence file system.
>>>> Created appropriate index and retrieving data using SQL involving multiple
>>>> joins.
>>>> Ignite configuration : with native persistence enabled , only one node
>>>> Data: As of now in the main table we have only *.1 M records *and in
>>>> supporting tables we have around 2 million records
>>>> Ignite sql query used
>>>> SELECT f.entryID,f.attrName,f.attrValue, f.attrsType FROM
>>>>     ( select st.entryID,st.attrName,st.attrValue, st.attrsType from
>>>>             (SELECT at1.entryID FROM "objectclass".Ignite_ObjectClass
>>>> at1 WHERE  at1.attrValue= ? ) t
>>>>             INNER JOIN
>>>>             "Ignite_DSAttributeStore".IGNITE_DSATTRIBUTESTORE st ON
>>>> st.entryID = t.entryID  WHERE st.attrKind IN ('u','o')
>>>>     ) f
>>>>    INNER JOIN  (SELECT entryID from "dn".Ignite_DN where parentDN like
>>>> ? ) dnt ON f.entryID = dnt.entry
>>>> The corresponding EXPLAIN PLAN
>>>> [[SELECT
>>>>     F__Z3.ENTRYID AS __C0_0,
>>>>     F__Z3.ATTRNAME AS __C0_1,
>>>>     F__Z3.ATTRVALUE AS __C0_2,
>>>>     F__Z3.ATTRSTYPE AS __C0_3
>>>> FROM (
>>>>     SELECT
>>>>         ST__Z2.ENTRYID,
>>>>         ST__Z2.ATTRNAME,
>>>>         ST__Z2.ATTRVALUE,
>>>>         ST__Z2.ATTRSTYPE
>>>>     FROM (
>>>>         SELECT
>>>>             AT1__Z0.ENTRYID
>>>>         FROM "objectclass".IGNITE_OBJECTCLASS AT1__Z0
>>>>         WHERE AT1__Z0.ATTRVALUE = ?1
>>>>     ) T__Z1
>>>>         ON 1=1
>>>>     WHERE (ST__Z2.ATTRKIND IN('u', 'o'))
>>>>         AND (ST__Z2.ENTRYID = T__Z1.ENTRYID)
>>>> ) F__Z3
>>>>     /* SELECT
>>>>         ST__Z2.ENTRYID,
>>>>         ST__Z2.ATTRNAME,
>>>>         ST__Z2.ATTRVALUE,
>>>>         ST__Z2.ATTRSTYPE
>>>>     FROM (
>>>>         SELECT
>>>>             AT1__Z0.ENTRYID
>>>>         FROM "objectclass".IGNITE_OBJECTCLASS AT1__Z0
>>>>         WHERE AT1__Z0.ATTRVALUE = ?1
>>>>     ) T__Z1
>>>>         /++ SELECT
>>>>             AT1__Z0.ENTRYID
>>>>         FROM "objectclass".IGNITE_OBJECTCLASS AT1__Z0
>>>>             /++ "objectclass".OBJECTCLASSNDEXED_ATTRVAL_IDX: ATTRVALUE
>>>> = ?1 ++/
>>>>         WHERE AT1__Z0.ATTRVALUE = ?1
>>>>          ++/
>>>>         /++ "Ignite_DSAttributeStore".IGNI
>>>>         ON 1=1
>>>>     WHERE (ST__Z2.ATTRKIND IN('u', 'o'))
>>>>         AND (ST__Z2.ENTRYID = T__Z1.ENTRYID)
>>>>      */
>>>>     SELECT
>>>>         __Z4.ENTRYID
>>>>     FROM "dn".IGNITE_DN __Z4
>>>>     WHERE __Z4.PARENTDN LIKE ?2
>>>> ) DNT__Z5
>>>>     /* SELECT
>>>>         __Z4.ENTRYID
>>>>     FROM "dn".IGNITE_DN __Z4
>>>>         /++ "dn".EP_DN_IDX: ENTRYID IS ?3 ++/
>>>>     WHERE (__Z4.ENTRYID IS ?3)
>>>>         AND (__Z4.PARENTDN LIKE ?2): ENTRYID = F__Z3.ENTRYID
>>>>      */
>>>>     ON 1=1
>>>>     __C0_0 AS ENTRYID,
>>>>     __C0_1 AS ATTRNAME,
>>>>     __C0_2 AS ATTRVALUE,
>>>>     __C0_3 AS ATTRSTYPE
>>>>     /* "Ignite_DSAttributeStore"."merge_sorted" */
>>>> ORDER BY 1
>>>> /* index sorted */]]
>>>> Any pointers , how should I proceed , Following is the JFR report for
>>>> the code used
>>>> cursor = cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery(query).setEnfor
>>>> ceJoinOrder(true);
>>>> cursor.getAll();
>>>> <image.png>
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Rajesh

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