Hi Team,

I tried the following scenario:

1) start local ignite server node
2) start client node and put some key/value pairs
3) bounce server node
4) put some more key/value pairs from client node

at step (4) ignite put(..) operation just hanged

I expected ignite client to take care of auto-reconnection or at least
How should I handle this?

here is hanged thread's stack:

Daemon Thread [async-worker-2] (Suspended)
    Unsafe.park(boolean, long) line: not available [native method]
    LockSupport.park() line: 304
lock ->
line: 177
    GridFutureAdapter$ChainFuture<R,T>(GridFutureAdapter<R>).get() line:
    GridCacheAdapter$22.op(GridNearTxLocal) line: 2342
    GridCacheAdapter$22.op(GridNearTxLocal) line: 2340

line: 4040
    GridDhtColocatedCache<K,V>(GridCacheAdapter<K,V>).put0(K, V,
CacheEntryPredicate) line: 2340
    GridDhtColocatedCache<K,V>(GridCacheAdapter<K,V>).put(K, V,
CacheEntryPredicate) line: 2321
    GridDhtColocatedCache<K,V>(GridCacheAdapter<K,V>).put(K, V) line:
    IgniteCacheProxyImpl<K,V>.put(K, V) line: 1005
    GatewayProtectedCacheProxy<K,V>.put(K, V) line: 872
put  ->    PersonRegistrationController.lambda$2(String, String, String,
String) line: 106

(I'm using ignite 2.3.0)

BR, Oleksandr

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