I am confused about few terms used often in ignite docs. Could someone
please clarify them.

1. What is difference between a Server, JVM and ignite node. Can one have
multiple instances of other 2, like a jvm has two nodes or a node has 2
jvms. Please explain in detail, I am very confused about them

2. In partitioned mode, can a partition span across multiple nodes. Again
relating to first point. If I have 10 servers of 10GB each so total memory
is 100 GB. Can a partition be created on 2-3 servers of 30 GB size. This is
hypothetical example though.

3. Lets say I have 90 GB data to be loaded on 10 servers of 10GB each. Now
if first ignite node joins the gird and starts loading data. There might be
a chance that it loads so much data that it runs out of memory before new
ones join the grid. How do we handle this scenario. Is there a way to wait
for some condition before kicking of cache loading.


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