
In source code we have DEVNOTES.txt that contains the information how to
build ignite.

I believe that next steps could help you:

1)git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/ignite.git
2)Update your source code.
3)Build ignite as described from DEVNOTES.txt:

1.Compile and install:

mvn clean install -Pall-java,all-scala,licenses -DskipTests

2.Javadoc generation (optional):
mvn initialize -Pjavadoc

3. Assembly Apache Ignite fabric:

mvn initialize -Prelease

Look for apache-ignite-fabric-<version>-bin.zip in ./target/bin directory.

4)After that you can use generated jar files.

5)Run ignite command contains of next:

"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" %JVM_OPTS% %QUIET% %JMX_MON%


%JAVA_HOME% - path to your java installation
%JVM_OPTS% - options for JVM where ignite will be started
%QUIET% - -DIGNITE_QUIET=true (or false)
%IGNITE_HOME% - path to your ignite location (path
apache-ignite-fabric-<version>-bin folder from unziped
%PROG_NAME% - program name
%CP% - classpath. By default it should be like next:


%MAIN_CLASS% - org.apache.ignite.startup.cmdline.CommandLineStartup for
command line (maybe you will create your own)
%CONFIG% - path to config file  (default -  config\default-config.xml)

Provided options list isn't full but hope it will help you to build and
start ignite. 

Thank you,

Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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