Hi Ignite team,

I noticed that nothing is written into WAL files even on Ignite restart.

My testing steps:

1) bounce application and ignite cluster
2) perform load testing
3) bounce application and ignite cluster
4) check ignite files:

data files have recent modification time - OK

latest WAL file was modified yesterday... Why? Is it expected / explainable?

PS F:\ignite-wal\V_HP_LK_DCN01> ls
Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---         6/15/2018   2:21 PM   67108864 0000000000000000.wal
-a---         6/15/2018   3:27 PM   67108864 0000000000000001.wal
-a---         6/15/2018   3:44 PM   67108864 0000000000000002.wal
-a---         6/16/2018   1:18 AM   67108864 0000000000000003.wal
-a---         6/18/2018   6:35 PM   67108864 0000000000000004.wal
-a---         6/18/2018   9:30 PM   67108864 0000000000000005.wal
-a---         6/19/2018  12:05 AM   67108864 0000000000000006.wal
-a---         6/19/2018  12:49 AM   67108864 0000000000000007.wal
-a---         6/19/2018   1:42 AM   67108864 0000000000000008.wal
-a---         6/19/2018   2:50 PM   67108864 0000000000000009.wal

BR, Oleksandr

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