Hi Denis,

I am trying to test Streaming data with Ignite Kafka Streamer Module.

Cache name :

Topic messages
{"schema":{"type":"string","optional":false},"payload":"hello world 6"}
{"schema":{"type":"string","optional":false},"payload":"hello world 7"}

Tuple extractor:
kafkaStreamer.setSingleTupleExtractor(msg -> {
return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>(new String(msg.key()),
                new String(msg.message()));

But If I say ignite.cache(‘IKAFKA’), cache is empty with no message.
Can you please correct and help?

Please find the code for reference.

Thanks & Regards,

From: Denis Mekhanikov [mailto:dmekhani...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 8:39 PM
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Re: Information regarding Ignite Web Console

You should specify 
 corresponding to the type name, that you use when constructing a binary object.

Please find attached example, that shows how to insert BinaryObjects in a way, 
that will let you query them from SQL.
I made a named constant PERSON_TYPE_NAME to emphasise, that 
 should match BinaryObject's type name.

If you want different binary objects with the same name to have different 
fields, you should disable 
It will let different BinaryObjects with the same name have different schemas.
See the following thread for more information about compactFooter: 

But all fields, that you want to access from SQL, should be specified in the 
QueryEntity, so you should think about it in advance.


пн, 2 июл. 2018 г. в 17:54, Denis Mekhanikov 
> Does all the tables created in ignite gets converted to binary objects 
> internally?
Yes, unless you specify a different 
But if you want to query data with Ignite SQL, only BinaryMarshaller is 

> Does all the cache entities like Person gets converted to binary objects 
> internally?
All entries are serialized with a configured marshaller. It is binary 
marshaller by default.

> Is using binary objects better than entity cache objects?
Using POJOs is usually more convenient. But BinaryObject lets you operate over 
objects without having the corresponding POJOs on your class path.
Also by using BinaryObject you skip (de)serialization step, when performing 
put/get operations, so you may get better performance.

> Is the a way to deserialize AvroFormat messages from kafka to ignite sink? 
> Examples are available for String and JSON converters.
You can deserialize any data, coming from Kafka.
All you need is to implement a proper 


пн, 2 июл. 2018 г. в 14:03, Sriveena Mattaparthi 

Have some open questions in ignite

1.       Does all the tables created in ignite gets converted to binary objects 

2.       Does all the cache entities like Person gets converted to binary 
objects internally?

3.       Is using binary objects better than entity cache objects?

4.       Is the a way to deserialize AvroFormat messages from kafka to ignite 
sink? Examples are available for String and JSON converters.

Please help.

Thanks & Regards,

From: Denis Mekhanikov 
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 8:09 PM

To: user@ignite.apache.org<mailto:user@ignite.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Information regarding Ignite Web Console


You should configure corresponding query entities to be able to query data in 
Annotation driven configuration is also available.

See more: 


пт, 29 июн. 2018 г. в 12:43, Sriveena Mattaparthi 
Hi Denis,

I am trying to use the below code to query the binary object

    IgniteCache<Integer, BinaryObject> cache = 
    BinaryObjectBuilder builder = start.binary().builder("BinaryTest");
    builder.setField("name", "Test");
    cache.put(1, builder.build());

    QueryCursor<List<?>> query = cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("select name 
from BinaryTest"));

But it is failing in latest 2.5 version saying BinaryTest Table does not exist.

How do we query the binary objects in the above example?

Please help.

Thanks & Regards,

From: Denis Mekhanikov 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 6:37 PM

To: user@ignite.apache.org<mailto:user@ignite.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Information regarding Ignite Web Console


You can have objects of different types in one cache, but querying it will be 
You will have to configure 
 for your data, that will describe, which fields are available for querying.
Annotation based 
 is also available.
Querying nested object is also possible, if you configure the query entities 

So, if you want to run SQL queries over your data, it should have some concrete 


ср, 27 июн. 2018 г. в 14:08, Sriveena Mattaparthi 
Thank you so much for the quicker responses unlike any other forums..I really 
appreciate that.

One last question Denis, we have plan to load all the mongodb collections to 
ignite cache and perform complex aggregations and join in memory.

But Unlike any RDBMS data stores we cannot have fixed model objects for each 
collections as each document in the collection may have its own columns and 

Could you please suggest, if ignite is the choice for this kind of scenario 
where same mongo collection have different type of data.

Please note that we have tried using BinaryObject, but we are stuck that ignite 
doesn’t support querying on the inner binaryobject.( binaryobject inside a 
binaryobject – sub documents, array inside a mongo document)

Thanks & Regards,

From: Denis Mekhanikov 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 4:02 PM

To: user@ignite.apache.org<mailto:user@ignite.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Information regarding Ignite Web Console


 extends the 
 interface, which has 
 methods, which will be called by Ignite, when you remove entries from Ignite 
 methods will be called, when you put some data into cache.
It works the same way with MySQL or any other relational DB.
So, CacheStore gives you a possibility to implement synchronization with any 
external data source. You can do it for MongoDB, if you need.


ср, 27 июн. 2018 г. в 13:18, Sriveena Mattaparthi 
Thanks Denis for the pointers.

But the case explained in 
 -  Using Ignite Web Console for Automatic RDBMS Integration with Apache Ignite 
- Part 3.
shows that any deletions happening on ignite cache are getting reflected in the 
mysql database.

Which I thought is ignite feature of autosyncing data to and from RDBMS 
Please correct my understanding.

Thanks & Regards,

From: Denis Mekhanikov 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 3:28 PM

To: user@ignite.apache.org<mailto:user@ignite.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Information regarding Ignite Web Console


Web Console can generate schema in Ignite based on an existing schema in a 
relational database.
But you can do it yourself, without use of Web Console.
Web Console only makes it easier to wire-up stuff, i.e. generate required data 
classes and configuration.

Unfortunately, this feature is not available for NoSQL databases. But you still 
can configure everything yourself.
You will need to implement a 
 that will load data from your database into Ignite.
Here is documentation on this feature: 


ср, 27 июн. 2018 г. в 12:41, Sriveena Mattaparthi 
Hi Denis,

Thank you so much for the quick turn around
Could you also confirm if there is a similar integration from ignite to NoSQL 
database like MongoDB ?

Our requirement also has mongo db changes to be automatically synced up to 

Please help.

Thanks & Regards,

From: Denis Mekhanikov 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 2:58 PM
To: user@ignite.apache.org<mailto:user@ignite.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Information regarding Ignite Web Console


You can find sources of Web Console in the Ignite Git repository: 

If you want to run Web Console by yourself, you can use the following Docker 
There is also Web Console, hosted by GridGain, available at 


ср, 27 июн. 2018 г. в 10:14, Sriveena Mattaparthi 


I am interested to know if Ignite Webconsole is opensource as the document says

Ignite can integrate with any relational database (RDBMS) that supports a JDBC 
driver - Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL

Ignite supports automatic RDBMS integration via Ignite Web 

Please confirm.
Thanks & Regards,

Attachment: App.java
Description: App.java

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