Hi, We create a cache using SQL DDL syntax. How can I configure Cassandra persistent store to the cache in .NET application ?
It seems like default CacheConfiguration is automatically applied internally in Java codes for SQL cache, so not able to load up Spring.XML for that cache. Here is the steps creating a SQL cache. /Ignite: 2.6 OS: Windows Server 2016 Jdk: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode) Programming language: C#/ *a)* // Create dummy cache to act as an entry point for SQL queries (new SQL API which do not require this // will appear in future versions, JDBC and ODBC drivers do not require it already). var cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration(m_odbcCacheName) { SqlSchema = "PUBLIC", CacheMode = CacheMode.Replicated }; m_odbcCache = m_ignite.GetOrCreateCache<object, object>(cacheCfg); *b)* // Create a VALUE_TYPE class public class UserData : IBinarizable { [QuerySqlField] public DateTime LastUpdated { get; set; } [QuerySqlField] public byte[] Data { get; set; } public UserData() { } public UserData(byte[] btUserData) { LastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow; Data = btUserData; } public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer) { writer.WriteTimestamp(nameof(LastUpdated), LastUpdated); writer.WriteByteArray(nameof(Data), Data); } public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader) { LastUpdated = reader.ReadTimestamp(nameof(LastUpdated)) ?? DateTime.UtcNow; Data = reader.ReadByteArray(nameof(Data)); } } *c)* // Crete an actual UserData cache by running a DDL query on entry point cache. var qry = @" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [name] ( CacheKey VARCHAR, AffinityKey LONG, LastUpdated TIMESTAMP, Data VARBINARY(MAX), PRIMARY KEY (CacheKey, AffinityKey) ) WITH ""BACKUPS=2, TEMPLATE=PARTITIONED, WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE=PRIMARY_SYNC, AFFINITYKEY=AffinityKey, VALUE_TYPE=UserData"" "; var qryResults = m_odbcCache.Query(new SqlFieldsQuery(qry)).GetAll(); Thanks Sam -- Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/