My fault!!! I modified the code in this way:

   static void Write(BinaryWriter& writer, const Calculation& obj)
      writer.WriteBool("local_log", obj.local_log_);
      writer.WriteString("service_name", obj.service_name_);

      auto sa_writer = writer.WriteStringArray("input");
      for(const auto &s : obj.input_)

   static void Read(BinaryReader& reader, Calculation& dst)
      dst.local_log_ = reader.ReadBool("local_log");
      dst.service_name_ = reader.ReadString("service_name");

      auto sa_reader = reader.ReadStringArray("input");

and now work perfectly!

Sorry and thanks again!

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 2:52 PM F.D. <> wrote:

> Here we go. Maybe the problem is the vector<std::string> inside the class
> Calculation.
> namespace ignite {
> namespace binary {
> template<>
> struct BinaryType<Calculation>
> {
>    static int32_t GetTypeId()
>    {
>       return GetBinaryStringHashCode("Calculation");
>    }
>    static void GetTypeName(std::string& dst)
>    {
>       dst = "Calculation";
>    }
>    static int32_t GetFieldId(const char* name)
>    {
>       return GetBinaryStringHashCode(name);
>    }
>    static int32_t GetHashCode(const Calculation& obj)
>    {
>       return 0;
>    }
>    static bool IsNull(const Calculation& obj)
>    {
>       return false;
>    }
>    static void GetNull(Calculation& dst)
>    {
>       dst = Calculation();
>    }
>    static void Write(BinaryWriter& writer, const Calculation& obj)
>    {
>       writer.RawWriter().WriteBool(obj.local_log_);
>       writer.RawWriter().WriteString(obj.service_name_);
>       auto sa_writer = writer.WriteStringArray("input");
>       for(const auto &s : obj.input_)
>          sa_writer.Write(s);
>       sa_writer.Close();
>    }
>    static void Read(BinaryReader& reader, Calculation& dst)
>    {
>       dst.local_log_ = reader.RawReader().ReadBool();
>       dst.service_name_ = reader.RawReader().ReadString();
>       auto sa_reader = reader.ReadStringArray("input");
>       while(sa_reader.HasNext())
>          dst.input_.push_back(sa_reader.GetNext());
>    }
> };
> template<>
> struct BinaryType<std::vector<std::string>>
> {
>    typedef std::vector<std::string> value_type;
>    static int32_t GetTypeId()
>    {
>       return GetBinaryStringHashCode("VectorOfString");
>    }
>    static void GetTypeName(std::string& dst)
>    {
>       dst = "VectorOfString";
>    }
>    static int32_t GetFieldId(const char* name)
>    {
>       return GetBinaryStringHashCode(name);
>    }
>    static int32_t GetHashCode(const std::vector<std::string> &obj)
>    {
>       return 0;
>    }
>    static bool IsNull(const std::vector<std::string> &obj)
>    {
>       return !obj.size();
>    }
>    static void GetNull(std::vector<std::string> &dst)
>    {
>       dst = value_type();
>    }
>    static void Write(BinaryWriter &writer, const std::vector<std::string>
> &obj)
>    {
>       auto sa_writer = writer.WriteStringArray("items");
>       for(const auto &s : obj)
>          sa_writer.Write(s);
>       sa_writer.Close();
>    }
>    static void Read(BinaryReader &reader, std::vector<std::string> &dst)
>    {
>       auto sa_reader = reader.ReadStringArray("items");
>       while(sa_reader.HasNext())
>          dst.push_back(sa_reader.GetNext());
>    }
> };
> } } // namespace ignite binary
> Thanks,
>    F.D.
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 10:14 AM Igor Sapego <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you show how you define BinaryType? Because the error
>> you are receiving is related to serialization/deserialization process.
>> Best Regards,
>> Igor
>> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 9:15 AM F.D. <> wrote:
>>> Hi Igniters,
>>> finally, I've compiled my code and run my test. But after I call my
>>> closure I got this errors: "Operation cannot be performed in raw mode.",
>>> and unfortunally I've no idea what it does mean.
>>> This is the code of call:
>>> IgniteConfiguration cfg;
>>> std::string home = getenv("IGNITE_HOME");
>>> fs::path cfg_path = fs::path(home) / "platforms" / "cpp" /
>>> "client_config.xml";
>>> cfg.springCfgPath = cfg_path.string();
>>> ignite = Ignition::Start(cfg);
>>> IgniteBinding binding = ignite.GetBinding();
>>> binding.RegisterComputeFunc<Calculation>();
>>> Compute compute = ignite.GetCompute();
>>> [...]
>>> Calculation functor(name, args, false);
>>> auto fut = compute.CallAsync<std::string>(functor);
>>> [...]
>>> And Calculation is:
>>> class CalculationEngineIgniteServer: public
>>> ignite::compute::ComputeFunc<std::string>
>>> {
>>>    friend struct
>>> ignite::binary::BinaryType<CalculationEngineIgniteServer>;
>>> public:
>>>    CalculationEngineIgniteServer(
>>>    ) = default;
>>>    CalculationEngineIgniteServer(
>>>       const std::string &name,
>>>       const std::vector<std::string> &input,
>>>       bool localLog
>>>    );
>>>    virtual std::string Call();
>>> private:
>>>    std::string name_;
>>>    bool local_log_;
>>>    std::vector<std::string> input_;
>>> };
>>> Then I defined BinaryType for Calculation and for
>>> std::vector<std::string>. I don't understand where I miss.
>>> Thanks,
>>>     F.D.

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