Especially chapter 4 Architecture deep dive

1) primary node is the node where we do igniteCache.put(2)="any string". I
mean node which we put data in to cache is primary node?
2) let's say we have primary node(includes some cache datas, cache name
cache1), now we create another node, then we take the distributed
cache(igniteCache.getOrCreateCache("cache1") and we put new element to the
node igniteCache.put(3)="data", now this new node is also primary node?
3) I have known that when client node wants to read cache, firstly it reads
from primary node. But book says ->
              *  "up to 2.5 version, all read requests from the client node
to replicated cache goes
through the primary node, which can impact a severe performance issue. It
was fixed as
a bug20 and resolved in version 2.5"*.
That's means, client can read data any backup node(without going primary
4) For data replication book says there are 2 forms ->
but there is no explanation for which ignite should default. Or how can i
force to one specific form?
5) Book says that (for Peer-to-peer)->
*The loss of any node does not prevent access to the data store.*
Now, let's say I have one node which includes cache store factory xml
configuration which updates database or get datas from database.
Now, I create another node, but this node has no cache store factoy xml
When node which has  cache store factory xml configuration fails, other
node(s) will be update database ?

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