Seems to be answered in a nearby thread:


From: debashissinha
Sent: 28 июля 2018 г. 13:01
Subject: Ignite client and server on yarn with cache read through

Hi ,

I have a use case where by I have to deploy ignite as a yarn application and
access the same from a client .

The requirement is to implement cache read through based on hive database .  

I have implemented the cache read though and started ignite from client

I have deployed  a downloaded yarn jar on yarn and on configured peer class
loading there.

On my client ignite application also peer class loading is also enabled. 
However whenever I am calling a cache.get on client node it is giving me a
class not found exception on the deployed server node on yarn. Here the
class in question is CacheStore class which is used for read through.
Based on my previous discussion in this forum I was advised that ignite will
not do any peer class loading for any cache configuration class or any
CacheStore class from client to server but it is mean for only domain
objects and that it has to be present in server node to do that.

I am trying to understand how should I enable this on the yarn jar that I am
deploying on yarn .

Firstly do I build a yarn jar and keep this cache store class in it . If
that is the case then how is this yarn jar built from scratch . I have read
the documentation it says how to deploy the yarn jar with
on yarn. But I was searching for a way to know how this yarn jar is built . 
I am also interested to know if this approach at all works . Whereby I built
a ignite yarn jar and keep my cachestore class in it and when i call form my
client application it should work .

The next approach i thought may be to create normal yarn jar using maven and
put the ignite yarn dependency though maven and build it on spring boot and
then deploy it .However in this approach I will not be able to specify
cluster info via and it will be a normal java spring boot
application running on yarn which starts the ignite. 

I  badly need a solution for this as we have to implement ignite on hive.
Your advice in this regard will be of great help to me .

Thanks in advance
Debashis Sinha

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