Hi, we have c++ ignite client and java client to read/write to the same
Our key is a composite object, my cache is  IgniteCache<Key, Value>

-------c++ -------------------
namespace ignite
namespace binary
struct Key
    std::string id;
    bool flag;
        : id() , flag(false)

    Key(const std::string& id, bool flag = false)
        : id(id)
        , flag(flag)

    Key(const  Key& rhs)
        : id(rhs.id)
        , flag(rhs.flag)

    bool operator<(const Key& rhs) const
        return (id == rhs.id) ?
          flag < rhs.flag : id < rhs.id;

    bool operator==(const Key& rhs) const
        return id == rhs.id && flag == rhs.flag;

    bool operator!=(const Key& rhs) const
        return !(*this == rhs);


    // METHODS
    bool isEmpty() const { return id.empty(); }
struct BinaryType<Key>
    static int32_t GetTypeId()
        return GetBinaryStringHashCode("Key");

    static void GetTypeName(native_std::string& dst)
        dst = "Key";

    static int32_t GetFieldId(const char* name)
        return GetBinaryStringHashCode(name);

    static bool IsNull(const Key& key)
        return und.isEmpty();

    static void GetNull(Key& key)
        key = Key();

    static void Write(BinaryWriter& writer, Key& key)
        writer.WriteString("id", key.id);
        writer.WriteBool("flag", key.flag);

    static void Read(BinaryReader& reader, Key& key)
        key.id = reader.ReadString("id");
        key.flag = reader.ReadBool("flag");

    int32_t GetHashCode(const Key& key) const
        const int32_t prime = 31;
        int32_t boolHashCode = key.is_delayed ? 1231 : 1237;
        int32_t strHashCode = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)key.bbgid.size(); ++i)
            strHashCode = prime * strHashCode + key.bbgid[i];
        return strHashCode + prime * boolHashCode;

Our java key is
mport org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryReader;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryWriter;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.Binarylizable;

public class Key implements Binarylizable {

    public String id;
    public Boolean flag;
    private final static int prime = 31;

    public Key() {

    public Key(String id) {
        this.id = id;
        this.flag = false;

    public Key(String id, boolean flag) {
        this.id = id;
        this.flag = flag;

    public int hashCode() {

        int boolHashCode = flag ? 1231 : 1237;
        int strHashCode = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++) {
            strHashCode = prime * strHashCode + id.charAt(i);

        return strHashCode + prime * boolHashCode;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;

        if (!(o instanceof Key)) {
            return false;

        Key cast = (Key) o;
        return this.id.equals(cast.id) && this.flag == cast.flag;

    public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException
        id = reader.readString("id");
        flag = reader.readBoolean("flag");

    public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws
BinaryObjectException {
        writer.writeString("id", id);
        writer.writeBoolean("flag", flag);

    @Override public String toString() {
        return "Key = [" + id + " " + flag +  "]\n";

I see people put the  GetHashCode in c++ BinaryType, some one use static,
and others just put it as a const method. This GetHashCode implements hash
code as java class Key. Where this GetHashCode is used ? Say if I write a
record from c++ client, is this key the cache hash key ? Do I also need to
implement hash in c++ class Key ? Is this GetHhashCode needed to be static ?

How does ignite ensure cross plat form read/write when key is not primitive
object (a composite object) ?

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