Hi All,

I'm getting an error on application startup which has me stumped. I've
imported ignite-core, indexing, slf4j and spring-data via maven, version
2.6.0. I'm using ignite to do some cache operations, basic stuff
cross-node. However when I start it, it runs until the config of static ip
discovery or Ignition.start(config) call depending on what I have in the
setup and then stops with :

Failed to instantiate [i.o.c.IgniteManager]: Constructor threw exception;
nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize
class org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils

I can see the class inside intellij in the jar file in external libraries.
I can use the class in the code but when I run it appears to be missing ...

How do I go about fixing this or diagnosing it further?


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