Yep, that sounds right.

The primary ways to load data into Ignite from another source are
a custom cache store or a data streamer.

Data streamer will mostly outperform cache stores for initial/periodic data 

Cache stores are good when you need to sync data between Ignite and backing DB
(read-through/write-through/write-behind), and when you want to quickly start 
using Ignite
on top of an existing DB with minimal code.

WebConsole’s generated project isn’t supposed to be an optimal solution, it’s 
to be an easy one that allows one to start quickly.
When you start looking into what’s really going on inside the cache store, you 
can see
that there is a lot of things how it could be optimized but it’s all depends on 
the exact model/data.
For example, you need to somehow split your queries so that each node only 
loads a entries which it
will be storing (i.e. use affinity key in the queries to the backing DB), and 
then split them more
to allow loading with multiple threads per node – you can do this in a generic 

It’s probably possible to find out what’s exactly going on with the cache store 
in your case and tune it,
but a completely custom cache store, or just a small client with data streamer 
running near the DB
is likely to be perform better anyway.


From: wt
Sent: 16 сентября 2018 г. 2:12
Subject: Re: webconsole generated project - cache load performance

I think I know what I need to do. I need to override the loadcache method and
implement my own based on the example on the site. I think if I use generics
I could parse in any class and it will handle the load. What's your thoughts
on that?

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