HI Andrei 

It worked after enabling metrics at both egionCfg and storageCfg and also
enabling cacheMetrics for the cache. 

Stats are getting captured when we insert it thru cache.Put/putall , not
getting captured the data inserted thru datastreamer

| CustomerCharsCache(@c11)            | PARTITIONED | 6     | min: 5849433
(0 / 5849433)            | min: 0       | min: 21     | min: 21      | min:
12891798    |
|                                     |             |       | avg:
6789912.00 (0.00 / 6789912.00)   | avg: 0.00    | avg: 47.17  | avg: 47.17  
| avg: 13579824.00 |
|                                     |             |       | max: 7441242
(0 / 7441242)            | max: 0       | max: 79     | max: 79      | max:
14560907    |

Below cache, we have inserted data thru data streamer, we dont see any stats

 CustomerEntCache(@c12)              | PARTITIONED | 6     | min: 85799090
(0 / 85799090)          | min: 0       | min: 0      | min: 0       | min: 0    
|                                     |             |       | avg:
99619725.17 (0.00 / 99619725.17) | avg: 0.00    | avg: 0.00   | avg: 0.00   
| avg: 0.00        |
|                                     |             |       | max: 109158877
(0 / 109158877)        | max: 0       | max: 0      | max: 0       | max: 0     

Also, we are using a cache-template like below, here I was trying to enable
cacheMetrics like below

     <bean id="cache-template"
        <property name="name" value="EDIFCache*" />
        *<property name="statisticsEnabled" value="true"/>*
        <property name="rebalanceBatchSize" value="#{16 * 1024 * 1024}"/>
        <property name="writeSynchronizationMode"
                        value="PRIMARY_SYNC " />
        <property name="affinity">
                <property name="excludeNeighbors" value="true" />

Applying this template while definiting the cache like below, but still
statistics are not enables for cache.

 <bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration"
                    <property name="name" value="AccountCache" />
                    <property name="cacheMode" value="PARTITIONED" />

So I had to add this to each cache to enable statistics at cache level. Cant
we just add it to the template and use this template where you need this
setting enabled.


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