To answer my own question: the speed seems to be expected and lays in
the same range like e.g. redis+redisson


Am 26.11.18 um 16:32 schrieb Peter:
> Hello,
> I'm currently trying Apache Ignite and love the concept.
> I have created a simple example of what I'm trying to achieve
> (producer&consumer):
> My assumption is that the default settings are tuned to get a setup
> that is okayish-fast and also without persistence and so comparing the
> speed to LinkedBlockingQueue shouldn't be that unfair. My expectation
> here is that ignite is 10-50x slower due to serialization overhead
> still happening for localhost.
> But it seems that ignite queue is 100-500 times slower. What am I
> doing wrong here or did I simply have too optimistic expectations?
> Maybe non-default settings like here
> <>
> would be better suited? See also where I also
> warm up everything before measuring the speed. I also tried various
> different JVM settings
> <> without
> success.
> Kind Regards
> Peter
> PS: I cross-posted this a few days ago on SO:

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