
You can implement Binarylizable which will serialize your objects so that
your relevant k1 and k2 are stored as entries in BinaryObject.
You can then add QueryEntity to cache to be able to index them properly.

Ilya Kasnacheev

чт, 15 нояб. 2018 г. в 01:33, Ramin Farajollah <rfarajol...@bloomberg.net>:

> Thanks for your informative reply.
> I looked at CacheQueryExample to be able to query by both unique (k1) and
> non-unique (k2) keys.
> I use an /AffinityKey<String, T>/. However, k1 (unique key) and k2
> (non-unique key) are not member variables, where I would have been able to
> annotate them with /@QuerySqlField(index = true)/ (with true and false,
> respectively). They are entries of a map inside of T. There are getter
> methods for both.
> Having said that:
> 1. How do I identify the k1 to be an index key so I can execute a query
> with
> a predicate like this: "k1 = ?"
> I saw this post:  [Q1]
> <
> http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/Querying-HashMap-stored-as-value-in-IgniteCache-td3507.html#a3550>
> 2. Will the same strategy work for a query based on a non-unique key (k2)
> in
> the same map within T?
> Andrew Mashenkov wrote
> > If k2 <- k1 relation is one-to-many, there is another way to achieve the
> > same with using SQL [2].
> > With this approach adding new instance will be a single operation on one
> > node and Ignite will need just to update local index in addition, but
> > query
> > for k2 will be a broadcast unless the data is collocated [3].
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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