So lets say I create a compute task extending compute-task-split-adapter and
I write my code inside split and reduce methods. After that is it enough
just to package my file as jar and place in libs folder of ignite
installation , for the rest api to recognize. 

Ex : 
public class MyComputeTask extends ComputeTaskSplitAdapter<T, R> { 
        private Ignite ignite; 

        public R reduce(List<ComputeJobResult> results) throws
IgniteException { 
                ****some code*** 
                return R; 


        protected Collection<? extends ComputeJob> split(int gridSize,
String arg) throws IgniteException { 
                String[] words = arg.split(" "); 
                List<ComputeJob> jobs = new ArrayList<>(words.length); 
                for (final String word : words) { 
                        jobs.add(new ComputeJobAdapter() { 
                                public Object execute() { 
                                        **call my service here and do my
                                        MyService svc=,...,...); 
                                        **use this svc to add some data to
                                        return Object; 

                return jobs; 


Now this class I will keep as a jar inside my libs folder. 


Should this REST call successfully work? 

I am getting an error. That failed to auto-deploy. So what should I do so
that REST api can recognise my task. 


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