It means that Ignite couldn’t find the place it needed in a B+ tree in 1000 
It could mean either that there is a high contention on the tree (it changes a 
lot, and 
one thread is unlucky and couldn’t keep up with the speed), or that the tree is 

Try to set a larger value to the IGNITE_BPLUS_TREE_LOCK_RETRIES property (e.g. 
If you see still see the exception then it’s a corruption. If you don’t – it’s 
a contention.


From: mahesh76private
Sent: 16 января 2019 г. 7:48
Subject: failure due to IGNITE_BPLUS_TREE_LOCK_RETRIES

On 2.7, we are regularly seeing the below message and then the nodes stop. 

[16:45:04,759][SEVERE][disco-event-worker-#63][] JVM will be halted
immediately due to the failure: [failureCtx=FailureContext
[type=CRITICAL_ERROR, err=class o.a.i.IgniteCheckedException: Maximum number
of retries 1000 reached for Put operation (the tree may be corrupted).
Increase IGNITE_BPLUS_TREE_LOCK_RETRIES system property if you regularly see
this message (current value is 1000).]]

Can you please through some light on what this error is?

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