
Left a comment in the issue.
In short, the problem is that you got a duplicate index on one of your nodes 
even though it shouldn’t happen. Need to figure out, how.

Can you tell what you do with the cluster when it is running?
I’m particularly interested in any of the actions related to cache/table/index 
creation and deletion.


From: mahesh76private
Sent: 16 января 2019 г. 5:54
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Baselined node rejoining crashes other baseline nodes - Duplicate 

I have two nodes on which we have 3 tables which are partitioned.  Index are
also built on these tables. 

For 24 hours caches work fine.  The tables are definitely distributed across
both the nodes

Node 2 reboots due to some issue - goes out of the baseline - comes back and
joins the baseline.  Other baseline nodes crash and in the logs we see
duplicate Key error

[10:38:35,437][INFO]tcp-disco-srvr-#2[TcpDiscoverySpi] TCP discovery
accepted incoming connection [rmtAddr=/, rmtPort=45102]
[10:38:35,437][INFO]tcp-disco-srvr-#2[TcpDiscoverySpi] TCP discovery
spawning a new thread for connection [rmtAddr=/, rmtPort=45102]
[10:38:35,437][INFO]tcp-disco-sock-reader-#12[TcpDiscoverySpi] Started
serving remote node connection [rmtAddr=/, rmtPort=45102]
[10:38:35,451][INFO]tcp-disco-sock-reader-#12[TcpDiscoverySpi] Finished
serving remote node connection [rmtAddr=/, rmtPort=45102
TcpDiscoverSpi's message worker thread failed abnormally. Stopping the node
in order to prevent cluster wide instability.
*java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key
at org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity.checkIndexes(QueryEntity.java:223)
at org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity.makePatch(QueryEntity.java:174)*

Logs and confurations are attached here 
please offer any suggestions 

Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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