I don't know why i didn't think of that - superb thanks Ilya.

Are you certain the function needs to be in libs\home - It can't seem to
find the function and i would have expected to at least see something in the
log about loading it.

ENV setup

system variable  IGNITE_HOME = c:\Ignite_2.7

test function code (no FQDN namespace it is just a class at the root):

/public class testfunc {

    public static int square(int x) {
        return x * x;

I copied the jar file to c:\Ignite_2.7\libs (at the root of that folder)

XML config section

 <property name="cacheConfiguration"> 
                    <property name="name" value="wayne"/>
                    <property name="atomicityMode" value="ATOMIC"/>
                    <property name="backups" value="1"/>
                                        <property name="sqlFunctionClasses">    

I have no data in the cache but if i try run the following from dbbeaver i
get an error:


here is the error and note it is trying to access the public schema. 

/11:41:11,859][SEVERE][client-connector-#63][JdbcRequestHandler] Failed to
e SQL query [reqId=0, req=JdbcQueryExecuteRequest [schemaName=PUBLIC,
024, maxRows=200, sqlQry=SELECT square(10) FROM WAYNE.WAYNE, args=Object[]
tmtType=ANY_STATEMENT_TYPE, autoCommit=true]]
lass org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException: Failed
arse query. Function "SQUARE" not found; SQL statement:/

So i created a basic table in public called tes and tried to run this

SELECT wayne.square(10)  FROM tes

Same issue  - function not found

I then tried this

SELECT wayne.wayne.square(10)  FROM tes

and it states database is not found.

Seems to me like the jar file is not being loaded.

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