I currently am running a 10 node Ignite cluster on EKS. I tried running it
was a k8s deployment, but the thrash in getting all the nodes to join and
agree on a topology was pretty painful, so its running currently as a

Currently, the issue I am seeing is that when I try to deploy a client node
via kubernetes, the client node joins the cluster immediately, then fails
to gossip thus dropping it from the cluster. After some timeout the node
re-joins the cluster and is more or less stable from that point forward.
I'm looking for advice on configuring the client so that it can join

I'll attach logs from the client, server, and the relevant client config.

Thanks in advance!

Attachment: JobConfiguration.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: igniteClientLogs
Description: Binary data

Attachment: igniteServerLogs
Description: Binary data

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