Hello vbm,

I am working on the exact same problem. Did you find the solution for the
I am using following code in my client application which will listen to
kafka connect (confluent).

I have one to one mapping for kafka topic and ignite cache. When there is an
insert into db, the kafka listener listens that and using gson library i am
converting json to object and the stmr.addData() works fine. But while
updating the value in db, i am facing marshller error.I tried to use
cache.put() method ,but it gives me cachewriteexception .

@KafkaListener(topics = { "kafka-Users" })
        public void listenUsers(String message) {
                ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                JsonNode rootNode;
                try {
                        rootNode = mapper.readTree(message);
                        Users user = new Users();
                        IgniteDataStreamer<Long, Users> stmr =
//                      stmr.allowOverwrite(true);

                         * stmr.receiver(new StreamTransformer<Long, Users>() {
                         * @Override public Object process(MutableEntry<Long, 
Users> entry,
                         * arguments) throws EntryProcessorException { return 
null; }
                         * });

                         * stmr.receiver(StreamTransformer.from((e, arg) -> { 
Users val =
                         * System.out.println(val+" user from reciever 
$$$$$$$$$"); return null;

                        Gson gson = new
                        user = 
gson.fromJson(rootNode.get("payload").toString(), Users.class);
stmr.addData(rootNode.get("payload").get("UsersKey").asLong(), user);
                        stmr.flush(); //
//                      stmr.allowOverwrite(true);
                } catch (Exception e) {

can you please share your solution for the same.
Om Thacker

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