
It seems that you have hit

It's not on any release yet, so decreasing history size looks like a decent
solution for now. You can do that with system property


Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 14 июн. 2019 г. в 16:49, Dieter Guthardt <softw...@isnil.de>:

> Hi,
> we're currently running a couple of servers with various Ignite
> scenarios - version 2.6 and 2.7.
> With and without persistence and some only get used to perform server
> based computations without any cache.
> It's quite satisfying except the startup time of the client applications
> is pretty slow especially running them from 'remote'.
> I realized depending on the cluster configuration the topology send
> around when connecting can get huge.
> Even the clusters without caches get really big and it's time consuming
> to connect.
> That's all related to the snapshot version, so higher the number so
> bigger the amount of data transferred and slower the connection.
> The client instance of Ignite gets bigger and bigger depending on the
> cluster, cache and snapshot history.
> Since I haven't found a satisfying answer yet I started digging into
> your code and found the following:
> In the class TcpDiscoverySpi you set the default history size of the
> discoCache to be 1000!
> After reducing the number to 10 I obtained a decent startup time.
> Debugging the ignite client instance now shows a constant size after
> reaching a snapshot version > 10.
> I was wondering why the history was set to 1000? How does a small number
> affect the cluster?
> Br,
> Will

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