
You can try to use the web console for Ignite. It contains the Monitoring Dashboard with different cache metrics that were calculated during some period of time. Also, it contains different graphics related to cache operation throughput and latency:


You can try to use the next "ready to go" installation for testing:



On 2019/07/15 13:20:09, nikhil dhiman <n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I am almost production ready, but I want to plot graphs for>
> Throughput, latency operation wise[get, put, delete, eviction]. Is>
> there a way I can produce metrics for time taken by ignite node for>
> get/put/delete. I can see many metrics via rest module. But i am>
> unable to find the above metrics.>
> I am on Ignite 2.7.5 version.>
> Thanks & Regards,>
> Nikhil Dhiman>

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