
With default configuration Ignite uses MulticastIpFinder that will try to scan 
for available Ignite instances within your network automatically.
The default required ports are: 47500 and 47100 for discovery and 
communications and localhost( is the default alias for docker machine.

I would suggest you to set port forwarding for 47100 as well.
With that default configuration you can connect from you local machine to 
Docker at for thick and for thin clients.

You can change default configuration with CONFIG_URL parameter [1] that could 
point to file:///my-config.xml as well. [2]

You can also try to replace the whole “config” folder with your own 
configuration files:
docker run -v /myconfigFolder:/opt/ignite/apache-ignite/config ….

[1] - https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/docker-deployment
[2] - 

From: vitalys
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 5:12 PM
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Running Ignite Cluster using Docker containers


I am trying to run Ignite Cluster using Docker containers. I have Docker for
Desktop running on my Windows box and I downloaded Apache Ignite 2.7.0 image
from Docker Hub. I am able to start Ignite server using docker command :

<source>docker run --rm --name myignite -p 47500:47500 -p 47501:47501 -p
10800:10800 -it apacheignite/ignite</source>

I am trying to connect to the Server Node from my client application and
here I hit a snag. How do I connect to the server? I opened an image and
went to the "config" folder and I found "default-config.xml" there with no
"IpFinder" section. What ports am I suppose to connect to from the client?
What hostname do I need to specify on the client side, "localhost"?  

I looked for the documentation in Apache Ignite tutorial but there are very
few things there designate to this topic. Is there any example or some kind
of tutorial on how to run Ignite Cluster using Docker containers?

Thank you in advance.

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