As I see In javadocs for org.apache.ignite.transactions.Transaction

     * Commits this transaction by initiating {@code two-phase-commit}
     * @throws IgniteException If commit failed.
     * @throws TransactionTimeoutException If transaction is timed out.
     * @throws TransactionRollbackException If transaction is automatically
rolled back.
     * @throws TransactionOptimisticException If transaction concurrency is
{@link TransactionConcurrency#OPTIMISTIC}
     * and commit is optimistically failed.
     * @throws TransactionHeuristicException If transaction has entered an
unknown state.
    public void commit() throws IgniteException;

And as we see in trace, exception come
So system behaviour meets javadoc but don't meet docs and example on

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 6:12 PM Andrey Davydov <>

> Sorry fo misprint, test does not check that there are no any way to get
> TimeoutException
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 5:55 PM Andrey Davydov <>
> wrote:
>> It is a little bit difficult to reproduce. We got unhadled exception on
>> pre prod performance test of our system. I will try to reproduce it on
>> weekend.
>> You test just check that if you get CacheException then TimeoutException
>> is inside it, but doesn't check that there are no any way to get
>> CacheException. As I check listened in stack trace lines from 2.7.5 sources
>> (loaded from maven), i dont see where TOE shoud be wrapped to CE
>> If there is full list of Exceptions when it is valid to retry transaction
>> (Optimistic or Pessimistic). As I found in different pages of docs, now I
>> catch (optimistic tx):
>> TransactionOptimisticException - try to rerun transaction
>> ClusterTopologyException - retryReadyFuture().get() and try to rerun
>> transaction
>> CacheException check if getCause is Timeout then try to rerun or rethrow
>> in other cases
>> Thanks.
>> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 5:31 PM Andrei Aleksandrov <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It looks strange because even Ignite tests expect that
>>> TransactionTimeoutException will be wrapped in CacheException. For
>>> example IgniteTxConfigCacheSelfTest:
>>>          try (final Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart()) {
>>>              assert tx != null;
>>>              cache.put("key0", "val0");
>>>              sleepForTxFailure();
>>>              cache.put("key", "val");
>>>              fail("Timeout exception must be thrown");
>>>          }
>>>          catch (CacheException e) {
>>>              assert e.getCause() instanceof TransactionTimeoutException;
>>>          }
>>> So could you please provide the reproducer for your issue? We will check
>>> it and create the JIRA for it.
>>> BR,
>>> Andrei
>>> 8/9/2019 5:16 PM, Andrey Davydov пишет:
>>> > On ignite 2.7.5 I got TransactionTimeoutException not wrapped
>>> > in CacheException. If it is normal behaviour and I should catch
>>> > TransactionTimeoutException too. My current logic is to
>>> > catch CacheException and check CacheException.getCause() if it
>>> > was TransactionTimeoutException.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks.
>>> >
>>> > Full statck trace:
>>> >
>>> > Caused by: org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionTimeoutException:
>>> > Failed to acquire lock within provided timeout for transaction
>>> > [timeout=150, tx=GridDhtTxLocal
>>> > [nearNodeId=18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > nearFutId=74752d17c61-0341ea15-fcbd-48ef-b655-299a6d885196,
>>> > nearMiniId=1, nearFinFutId=null, nearFinMiniId=0,
>>> > nearXidVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668396,
>>> > nodeOrder=1], super=GridDhtTxLocalAdapter
>>> > [nearOnOriginatingNode=false, nearNodes=[],
>>> > dhtNodes=[18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > 1144f759-6d1f-4aa3-9592-cc0b3481eb15], explicitLock=false,
>>> > super=IgniteTxLocalAdapter [completedBase=null,
>>> > sndTransformedVals=false, depEnabled=false, txState=IgniteTxStateImpl
>>> > [activeCacheIds=[1895344369], recovery=false, mvccEnabled=false,
>>> > txMap=[IgniteTxEntry [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369,
>>> > txKey=IgniteTxKey [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369],
>>> > val=[op=READ, val=null], prevVal=[op=NOOP, val=null], oldVal=[op=NOOP,
>>> > val=null], entryProcessorsCol=null, ttl=-1, conflictExpireTime=-1,
>>> > conflictVer=null, explicitVer=null, dhtVer=null, filters=[],
>>> > filtersPassed=false, filtersSet=false, entry=GridDhtCacheEntry
>>> > [rdrs=[], part=127, super=GridDistributedCacheEntry
>>> > [super=GridCacheMapEntry [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true], val=null,
>>> > ver=GridCacheVersion [topVer=0, order=0, nodeOrder=0],
>>> > hash=1903256846, extras=GridCacheMvccEntryExtras [mvcc=GridCacheMvcc
>>> > [locs=[GridCacheMvccCandidate
>>> > [nodeId=73a0c88f-3628-4c12-bd75-d273b77a6752, ver=GridCacheVersion
>>> > [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2], threadId=883,
>>> > id=412844, topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=3, minorTopVer=1],
>>> > reentry=null, otherNodeId=18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > otherVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668396,
>>> > nodeOrder=1], mappedDhtNodes=null, mappedNearNodes=null,
>>> > ownerVer=null, serOrder=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668396, nodeOrder=1], key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true],
>>> >
>>> masks=local=1|owner=1|ready=1|reentry=0|used=0|tx=1|single_implicit=0|dht_local=1|near_local=0|removed=0|read=1,
>>> > prevVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397,
>>> > nodeOrder=2], nextVer=null]], rmts=null]], flags=2]]], prepared=1,
>>> > locked=false, nodeId=null, locMapped=false, expiryPlc=null,
>>> > transferExpiryPlc=false, flags=0, partUpdateCntr=0,
>>> > serReadVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=0, order=0, nodeOrder=0],
>>> > xidVer=null], IgniteTxEntry [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369,
>>> > txKey=IgniteTxKey [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369],
>>> > val=[op=DELETE, val=null], prevVal=[op=NOOP, val=null],
>>> > oldVal=[op=NOOP, val=null], entryProcessorsCol=null, ttl=-1,
>>> > conflictExpireTime=-1, conflictVer=null, explicitVer=null,
>>> > dhtVer=null, filters=[], filtersPassed=false, filtersSet=false,
>>> > entry=GridDhtCacheEntry [rdrs=[], part=121,
>>> > super=GridDistributedCacheEntry [super=GridCacheMapEntry
>>> > [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121, val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA,
>>> > hasValBytes=true], val=null, ver=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668382, nodeOrder=2], hash=1903256840,
>>> > extras=GridCacheMvccEntryExtras [mvcc=GridCacheMvcc
>>> > [locs=[GridCacheMvccCandidate
>>> > [nodeId=73a0c88f-3628-4c12-bd75-d273b77a6752, ver=GridCacheVersion
>>> > [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2], threadId=883,
>>> > id=412843, topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=3, minorTopVer=1],
>>> > reentry=null, otherNodeId=18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > otherVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668396,
>>> > nodeOrder=1], mappedDhtNodes=null, mappedNearNodes=null,
>>> > ownerVer=null, serOrder=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668396, nodeOrder=1], key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA, hasValBytes=true],
>>> >
>>> masks=local=1|owner=1|ready=1|reentry=0|used=0|tx=1|single_implicit=0|dht_local=1|near_local=0|removed=0|read=0,
>>> > prevVer=null, nextVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2]]], rmts=null]], flags=3]]],
>>> > prepared=1, locked=false, nodeId=null, locMapped=false,
>>> > expiryPlc=null, transferExpiryPlc=false, flags=0, partUpdateCntr=0,
>>> > serReadVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=0, order=0, nodeOrder=0],
>>> > xidVer=null]]], mvccWaitTxs=null, qryEnlisted=false,
>>> > forceSkipCompletedVers=false, super=IgniteTxAdapter
>>> > [xidVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397,
>>> > nodeOrder=2], writeVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668398, nodeOrder=2], implicit=false, loc=true,
>>> > threadId=883, startTime=1565337963940,
>>> > nodeId=73a0c88f-3628-4c12-bd75-d273b77a6752, startVer=GridCacheVersion
>>> > [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2], endVer=null,
>>> > isolation=SERIALIZABLE, concurrency=OPTIMISTIC, timeout=150,
>>> > sysInvalidate=false, sys=false, plc=2, commitVer=null,
>>> > finalizing=NONE, invalidParts=null, state=PREPARING, timedOut=false,
>>> > topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=3, minorTopVer=1],
>>> > txCounters=null, duration=152ms, onePhaseCommit=false], size=2]]]]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils$13.apply(
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils$13.apply(
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.convertException(
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.transactions.TransactionProxyImpl.commit(
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > ...
>>> > Caused by:
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.transactions.IgniteTxTimeoutCheckedException:
>>> > Failed to acquire lock within provided timeout for transaction
>>> > [timeout=150, tx=GridDhtTxLocal
>>> > [nearNodeId=18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > nearFutId=74752d17c61-0341ea15-fcbd-48ef-b655-299a6d885196,
>>> > nearMiniId=1, nearFinFutId=null, nearFinMiniId=0,
>>> > nearXidVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668396,
>>> > nodeOrder=1], super=GridDhtTxLocalAdapter
>>> > [nearOnOriginatingNode=false, nearNodes=[],
>>> > dhtNodes=[18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > 1144f759-6d1f-4aa3-9592-cc0b3481eb15], explicitLock=false,
>>> > super=IgniteTxLocalAdapter [completedBase=null,
>>> > sndTransformedVals=false, depEnabled=false, txState=IgniteTxStateImpl
>>> > [activeCacheIds=[1895344369], recovery=false, mvccEnabled=false,
>>> > txMap=[IgniteTxEntry [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369,
>>> > txKey=IgniteTxKey [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369],
>>> > val=[op=READ, val=null], prevVal=[op=NOOP, val=null], oldVal=[op=NOOP,
>>> > val=null], entryProcessorsCol=null, ttl=-1, conflictExpireTime=-1,
>>> > conflictVer=null, explicitVer=null, dhtVer=null, filters=[],
>>> > filtersPassed=false, filtersSet=false, entry=GridDhtCacheEntry
>>> > [rdrs=[], part=127, super=GridDistributedCacheEntry
>>> > [super=GridCacheMapEntry [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true], val=null,
>>> > ver=GridCacheVersion [topVer=0, order=0, nodeOrder=0],
>>> > hash=1903256846, extras=GridCacheMvccEntryExtras [mvcc=GridCacheMvcc
>>> > [locs=[GridCacheMvccCandidate
>>> > [nodeId=73a0c88f-3628-4c12-bd75-d273b77a6752, ver=GridCacheVersion
>>> > [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2], threadId=883,
>>> > id=412844, topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=3, minorTopVer=1],
>>> > reentry=null, otherNodeId=18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > otherVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668396,
>>> > nodeOrder=1], mappedDhtNodes=null, mappedNearNodes=null,
>>> > ownerVer=null, serOrder=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668396, nodeOrder=1], key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=127,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTG, hasValBytes=true],
>>> >
>>> masks=local=1|owner=1|ready=1|reentry=0|used=0|tx=1|single_implicit=0|dht_local=1|near_local=0|removed=0|read=1,
>>> > prevVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397,
>>> > nodeOrder=2], nextVer=null]], rmts=null]], flags=2]]], prepared=1,
>>> > locked=false, nodeId=null, locMapped=false, expiryPlc=null,
>>> > transferExpiryPlc=false, flags=0, partUpdateCntr=0,
>>> > serReadVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=0, order=0, nodeOrder=0],
>>> > xidVer=null], IgniteTxEntry [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369,
>>> > txKey=IgniteTxKey [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA, hasValBytes=true], cacheId=1895344369],
>>> > val=[op=DELETE, val=null], prevVal=[op=NOOP, val=null],
>>> > oldVal=[op=NOOP, val=null], entryProcessorsCol=null, ttl=-1,
>>> > conflictExpireTime=-1, conflictVer=null, explicitVer=null,
>>> > dhtVer=null, filters=[], filtersPassed=false, filtersSet=false,
>>> > entry=GridDhtCacheEntry [rdrs=[], part=121,
>>> > super=GridDistributedCacheEntry [super=GridCacheMapEntry
>>> > [key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121, val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA,
>>> > hasValBytes=true], val=null, ver=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668382, nodeOrder=2], hash=1903256840,
>>> > extras=GridCacheMvccEntryExtras [mvcc=GridCacheMvcc
>>> > [locs=[GridCacheMvccCandidate
>>> > [nodeId=73a0c88f-3628-4c12-bd75-d273b77a6752, ver=GridCacheVersion
>>> > [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2], threadId=883,
>>> > id=412843, topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=3, minorTopVer=1],
>>> > reentry=null, otherNodeId=18e6b4a9-c39d-463a-9260-b5ed5057a491,
>>> > otherVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668396,
>>> > nodeOrder=1], mappedDhtNodes=null, mappedNearNodes=null,
>>> > ownerVer=null, serOrder=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668396, nodeOrder=1], key=KeyCacheObjectImpl [part=121,
>>> > val=cancel_queue#FIRSTA, hasValBytes=true],
>>> >
>>> masks=local=1|owner=1|ready=1|reentry=0|used=0|tx=1|single_implicit=0|dht_local=1|near_local=0|removed=0|read=0,
>>> > prevVer=null, nextVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2]]], rmts=null]], flags=3]]],
>>> > prepared=1, locked=false, nodeId=null, locMapped=false,
>>> > expiryPlc=null, transferExpiryPlc=false, flags=0, partUpdateCntr=0,
>>> > serReadVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=0, order=0, nodeOrder=0],
>>> > xidVer=null]]], mvccWaitTxs=null, qryEnlisted=false,
>>> > forceSkipCompletedVers=false, super=IgniteTxAdapter
>>> > [xidVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397,
>>> > nodeOrder=2], writeVer=GridCacheVersion [topVer=176751246,
>>> > order=1565274668398, nodeOrder=2], implicit=false, loc=true,
>>> > threadId=883, startTime=1565337963940,
>>> > nodeId=73a0c88f-3628-4c12-bd75-d273b77a6752, startVer=GridCacheVersion
>>> > [topVer=176751246, order=1565274668397, nodeOrder=2], endVer=null,
>>> > isolation=SERIALIZABLE, concurrency=OPTIMISTIC, timeout=150,
>>> > sysInvalidate=false, sys=false, plc=2, commitVer=null,
>>> > finalizing=NONE, invalidParts=null, state=PREPARING, timedOut=false,
>>> > topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=3, minorTopVer=1],
>>> > txCounters=null, duration=152ms, onePhaseCommit=false], size=2]]]]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtTxPrepareFuture$PrepareTimeoutObject.onTimeout(
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.timeout.GridTimeoutProcessor$TimeoutWorker.body(
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > at
>>> >
>>> > ~[ignite-core-2.7.5.jar:2.7.5]
>>> > ... 1 more

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