(pardon me if this mail is by chance a duplicate - it got bounced back when I 
sent it earlier from nabble)

     I have 6 node grid and I've configured it with 1 backup. I want to have
partition rebalancing but only in the following way.
If one of the six nodes goes down, then some primary and backup partitions
go down with it but there is no data loss since the backup for those are
present on one of the other five nodes. So there is only single copy for
these paritions

i. At this point I do not want that the 5 nodes rebalance all the paritions
amongst themselves such that each one has 1 primary and 1 backup
ii. When this 6th node comes back up, I want the partitions in the other
nodes which are living with only a single copy, so hydrate this fresh 6th
one with copies of the partitions that has only one copy before.

Why i? Because I don't want a situation of cascading OOMs 
Why ii? Obvious reason so as to have the 2nd copy for all partitions.

Is this possible? If not what's the best way to come close to this?


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