
Have you tried collecting thread dumps/JFR/etc while such an operation is
waiting? It could provide some clues.

Do you have GC log collected? Any long GC pauses?

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 30 авг. 2019 г. в 14:43, Кузин Никита (Nikita Kuzin) <

> Hi!
> We have application that goes to ignite node (only one node in grid).
> Application and ignite are located on one machine.
> And we noticed that sometimes that cache located at ignite is very slow:
> we execute method igniteCache.containsKey(key) and it can lasts 900ms, size
> of cache less than 10000 entries
> This cache is used mostly for read.
> Persistence is off
> All of JVM recommendations is applied
> OS: windows server 2012 R2
> _________________________________
> С уважением, Никита Кузин
> Ведущий программист-разработчик
> * Интернейшнл АйТи Дистрибьюшн*
> e-mail: nku...@iitdgroup.ru
> тел.: 84995021375 доб. 320
> моб. тел.: 79260948887
> 115114, Москва, Дербеневская ул., 20-27

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