Dear igniters, 

I would like to elicit your expert 
advice in regards to how ignite differentiates 
on the use of a call to: 1)IgniteCompute.affinityRun(...)

 as far as dead locks are concerned. According to the documentation the main 
difference is that method 2 above, operates within a lock. Specifically the doc 
“EntryProcessors are executed atomically within a lock on the given cache key.”
Now it even comes with a warning that is meant to show how it is supposed to be 
used (or conversely NOT to be used):
“You should not access other keys from within the EntryProcessor logic as it 
may cause a deadlock.”
But this phrase “other keys” to what kind of keys does it refer to?  The 
remaining keys of the passed in cache?  For e.g. :
 Assume a persons cache...
Cache Person<String,Person> personsCache=...

personsCache.invoke("personKey", new EntryProcessor<String, Person, Void>() {

@Override public Object process(MutableEntry<String, Person> entry, Object... 
args) { 

Person person= entry.getValue(); entry.setValue(person.setOccupation(“foo”));
return null;
In other words can someone provide an example based on the above dummy code  
that would make invoke deadlock so that I could get an understanding of what 
the documentation refers to?


Evangelos Morakis

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