
I have trouble contemplating your reproducer, but I think it's related to
the fact you are using QueryEntity.

QueryEntity means that your annotations are not used. In this case you
should use CacheKeyConfiguration to configure affinity for such caches:

Why it works for externalizable? It's hard to say, overall I think it's
related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-9964 or similar.


Ilya Kasnacheev

чт, 19 сент. 2019 г. в 17:26, Oleg Yurkivskyy (Luxoft) <

> Hi,
> It appears that when using the default BinarySerialization, the
> @AffinityKeyMapped annotation doesn’t seem to work and queries that rely on
> affinity (Using setLocal) aren’t finding data which it would expect to find.
> Please find below a project that can reproduce the issue (versions 2.7.5
> and 2.7.6 are tested).
> It is based on standard yardstick benchmark.
> It can be run using this command after build:
> ./bin/benchmark-run-all.sh config/benchmark-company.properties
> The tests run on 3 instances of ignite server and 1 instance of driver.
> Test application populates the cache with some data using separate Java
> classes as a key and a value objects.
> Key class EntityKey contains affinity key tid.
> When cache is populated with test data benchmark runs
> affinityCall(ActionAffinityCallable) using affinity key.
> ActionAffinityCallable executes query twice, on time with .setLocal(true)
> and second time .setLocal(false).
> In normal situation both queries have to return the same data, because
> query returns the data using affinity key.
> It works OK when entity and the key are Java Externalizable.
> In case of binary marshaller these queries return different amount of
> data, that means that affinity key is not working as expected and data are
> spread across different nodes.
> It doesn't deend on query type, SqlQuery and ScanQuery have the same
> problems, while SqlQuery is much faster.
> It appears that when using the default BinarySerialization, the
> @AffinityKeyMapped annotation doesn’t seem to work and queries that rely on
> affinity (Using setLocal) aren’t finding data which it would expect to
> find. Please find below a project that can reproduce the issue
> The project uses different permutations of BinarySerialization and
> standard serialization used with SqlQueries and ScanQueries. If Affinity
> DID work, then the results of both setLocal(true) and setLocal(false)
> should return the same results (as we use the affinityCall function.
> However as you can see below, that is not true for BinarySerialization
> It can be seen in log files like this:
> $  grep -r  "\*\*\* AffinityBinSql" output/ |wc -l
> 641153
> $  grep -r  "\*\*\* AffinityBinScan" output/ |wc -l
> 40736
> $  grep -r  "\*\*\* AffinityExtSql" output/ |wc -l
> 0
> $  grep -r  "\*\*\* AffinityExtScan" output/ |wc -l
> 0
> The workaround of this bug is standard Java serialization or using
> .setLocal(false) for queries.
> Both workarounds result in higher CPU and network usage and slow things
> down.
> For example, .setLocal(false) is 3 times slower than .setLocal(true) for
> the application attached.
> Please recommend what can I do in this situation.
> Do I need to create an issue in Ignite Jira for this bug?
> Regards,
> Oleg
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