
Please collect profiling (e.g. using JFR) from both runs and search for hot
spots in both scenarios. If you find anything suspicious, please file a

We can also look at profiling results for you.

Unfortunately I'm not that good with yardstick to run your benchmarks
locally. It would be nice if you could turn it into a reproducer test.

Ilya Kasnacheev

ср, 11 сент. 2019 г. в 12:16, Oleg Yurkivskyy (Luxoft) <

> Hi,
> I have an application running on ignite cluster with 4 nodes.
> /usr/bin/java -version
> openjdk version "1.8.0_191"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
> The application runs on apache-ignite-2.3.0. I need to upgrade it to the
> latest version of ignite (currently 2.7.5)
> I have created a benchmarking project (maven) to check what to expect
> after upgrade.
> It is attached in archived file, called "data-grid-benchmarks".
> This is a copy of standard ignite benchmarking project from 2.3.0 release
> with a custom cache benchmarks CacheBenchmarkBin and CacheBenchmarkExt.
> Different classes use different serialization (Binary and Externalizable).
> I ran it on 2.3.0 2.4.0 and 2.7.5 versions of apache ignite (3 servers and
> 1 driver) with the following command:
>                 ./bin/benchmark-run-all.sh
> config/benchmark-company.properties
> It shows, that starting from 2.4.0 release there is a 2 times drop in
> performance of partitioned transactional cache.
> Replicated cache is not affected in such a way.
> Also performance doesn't depend on serialization.
> In attached archive you can see results of benchmarks generated by
> standard yardstick tool for different version of ignite.
> There you can see the drop of
> RELEASE-CacheBenchmarkBinPartitionTransactional-1-backup
> Apache Ignite version
> 2.3.0
> 2.4.0
> 2.7.5
> Average Test method Throughput (operations/sec)
> CacheBenchmarkBinPartitionTransactional-1-backup
> 8,845.84
> 4,101.48
> 3,956.17
> CacheBenchmarkBinReplicateTransactional-1-backup
> 2,204.89
> 2,197.45
> 2,124.80
> I need to answer the question what can be fixed in the code for test
> (CacheBenchmarkBin.test or ActionCallable) to avoid the drop of performance?
> Does it have something to do with the cache configuration
> (ignite-cache-partition-tx-config.xml)?
> Also, it could be the bug in ignite, that needs to be fixed.
> Regards,
> Oleg
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