
I gave up on the JUL logging so I went back to log4j 2, this works better but there is still very weird behavior.

I run my code as a LifeCycleBean and all works fine, but the moment that LifeCyclebean::BEFORE_NODE_STOP event is called the log4j 2 logger is shutdown, if I turn on log4j2.debug=true I see:

"DEBUG StatusLogger Stopping LoggerContext[name=, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@543588e6]" just when the BEFORE_NODE_STOP event is executed and any logging after that is lost, it looks like the shutdown hook log4j 2 install is executed at that time looking at the source code but how is that possible ? I would assume I am doing something silly as I have not heard any one else complain about this, any idea what it could be ?

This all standard log4j2 logging out of the box, I do have a Cassandra client running with slf4j->log4j2 setup in the same application, but I do not think that has anything to do with it and I shutdown the Cassandra client in the AFTER_NODE_STOP event later on.


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