
10M is very very low-ball for testing performance of disk, considering how
Ignite's wal/checkpoints are structured. As already told, it does not even
work properly.

I recommend using 2G value instead. Just load enough data so that you can
observe constant checkpoints.

Ilya Kasnacheev

ср, 4 дек. 2019 г. в 03:16, Mitchell Rathbun (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) <

> For the requested full ignite log, where would this be found if we are
> running using local mode? We are not explicitly running a separate ignite
> node, and our WorkDirectory does not seem to have any logs
> From: user@ignite.apache.org At: 12/03/19 19:00:18
> To: user@ignite.apache.org
> Subject: Re: IgniteOutOfMemoryException in LOCAL cache mode with
> persistence enabled
> For our configuration properties, our DataRegion initialSize and MaxSize
> was set to 11 MB and persistence was enabled. For DataStorage, our pageSize
> was set to 8192 instead of 4096. For Cache, write behind is disabled, on
> heap cache is disabled, and Atomicity Mode is Atomic
> From: user@ignite.apache.org At: 12/03/19 13:40:32
> To: user@ignite.apache.org
> Subject: Re: IgniteOutOfMemoryException in LOCAL cache mode with
> persistence enabled
> Hi Mitchell,
> Looks like it could be easily reproduced on low off-heap sizes, I tried
> with
> simple puts and got the same exception:
> class org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException: Failed to
> find a page for eviction [segmentCapacity=1580, loaded=619,
> maxDirtyPages=465, dirtyPages=619, cpPages=0, pinnedInSegment=0,
> failedToPrepare=620]
> Out of memory in data region [name=Default_Region, initSize=10.0 MiB,
> maxSize=10.0 MiB, persistenceEnabled=true] Try the following:
> ^-- Increase maximum off-heap memory size
> (DataRegionConfiguration.maxSize)
> ^-- Enable Ignite persistence (DataRegionConfiguration.persistenceEnabled)
> ^-- Enable eviction or expiration policies
> It looks like Ignite must issue a proper warning in this case and couple of
> issues must be filed against Ignite JIRA.
> Check out this article on persistent store available in Ignite confluence
> as
> well:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/Ignite+Persistent+Store+-+und
> er+the+hood#IgnitePersistentStore-underthehood-Checkpointing
> I've managed to make kind of similar example working with 20 Mb region with
> a bit of tuning, added following properties to
> org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration:
> /<property name="checkpointFrequency" value="1500"/>
> <property name="writeThrottlingEnabled" value="true"/>/
> The whole idea behind this is to trigger checkpoint on timeout rather than
> on too much dirty pages percentage threshold. The checkpoint page buffer
> size may not exceed data region size, which is 10 Mb, which might be
> overflown during checkpoint as well.
> I assume that checkpoint is never triggered in this case because of
> per-partition overhead: Ignite writes some meta per partition and it looks
> like that it is at least 1 meta page utilized for each which results in
> some
> amount of off-heap devoured by these meta pages. In the case with the
> lowest
> possible region size, this might consume more than 3 Mb for cache with 1k
> partitions and 70% dirty data pages threshold would never be reached.
> However, I found another issue when it is not possible to save meta page on
> checkpoint begin, this reproduces on 10 Mb data region with mentioned
> storage configuration options.
> Could you please describe the configuration if you have anything different
> from defaults (page size, wal mode, partitions count) and types of
> key/value
> that you use? And if it is possible, could you please attach full Ignite
> log
> from the node that has suffered from IOOM?
> As for the data region/cache, in reality you do also have cache groups here
> playing a role. But generally I would recommend you to go with one data
> region for all caches unless you have a particular reason to have multiple
> regions. As for example, you have some really important data in some cache
> that always needs to be available in durable off-heap memory, then you
> should have a separate data region for this cache as I'm not aware if there
> is possibility to disallow evicting pages for a specific cache.
> Cache groups documentation link:
> https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/cache-groups
> By default (a cache doesn't have cacheGroup property defined) each cache
> has
> it's own cache group with the very same name, that lives in the data region
> specified or default data region. You might use them or not, depending on
> the goal you have: use when you want to reduce meta
> overhead/checkpoints/partition exchanges and share internal structures to
> save up space a bit, or do not use them if you want to speed up
> inserts/lookups by having it's own dedicated partition maps and B+ trees.
> Best regards,
> Anton
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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