"On a disk, it's stored in meta storage inside DB folder."

We also set the IgniteWorkDirectory to be different for every server node id. 
However, we still will get "Node is not part of the baseline topology, not 
using persistence." How would this still occur if the there is no shared 
directory for the cluster?

From: e.zhuravlev...@gmail.com At: 12/30/19 17:33:55To:  Mitchell Rathbun 
Cc:  user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Re: Isolating IgniteCache instances across JVMs on same machine by id


-For your first response, I just want to make sure I am clear how this works. 
Say I have two different server nodes with IgniteInstanceName A and B. If both 
nodes are part of the same cluster and both nodes write to a cache (in local 
mode) called "datacache", would this be treated as two separate caches or would 
there be an issue?
It will be more like the same cache, but all data will be local on each node. 
It shouldn't be a problem. However, I would recommend using partitioned caches 
with a NodeFilter instead.

-Where is the shared information stored for an IgniteCluster? Looking at 
https://apacheignite.readme.io/v2.4/docs/cluster-config, it seems like 
different clusters can be configured by using different port ranges. But for 
each cluster, the nodes in the baseline topology must be stored. Where does 
this information get stored?
On a disk, it's stored in meta storage inside DB folder.

-If we need to specify different clusters on the same machine, do we need to 
specify a range of ports for both TcpDiscoverySpi and TcpCommunicationSpi? Or 
is one port for each fine?
Next port from port range is used only if a first port is busy. If you set only 
one port and it's busy at the moment, node won't be able to start. So, it's up 
to you if you want to set the port range or one port only.

пн, 30 дек. 2019 г. в 13:30, Mitchell Rathbun (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) 

Makes sense. A couple of more related questions:

-For your first response, I just want to make sure I am clear how this works. 
Say I have two different server nodes with IgniteInstanceName A and B. If both 
nodes are part of the same cluster and both nodes write to a cache (in local 
mode) called "datacache", would this be treated as two separate caches or would 
there be an issue?

-Where is the shared information stored for an IgniteCluster? Looking at 
https://apacheignite.readme.io/v2.4/docs/cluster-config, it seems like 
different clusters can be configured by using different port ranges. But for 
each cluster, the nodes in the baseline topology must be stored. Where does 
this information get stored?

-If we need to specify different clusters on the same machine, do we need to 
specify a range of ports for both TcpDiscoverySpi and TcpCommunicationSpi? Or 
is one port for each fine?

From: e.zhuravlev...@gmail.com At: 12/30/19 15:25:40To:  Mitchell Rathbun 
(BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX ) ,  user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Re: Isolating IgniteCache instances across JVMs on same machine by id

-From your first response, it seems like the db id should be included in the 
cache name. Currently we just included it in the Ignite instance, but not the 
cache name, which I believe led to some of the issues we have seen.
No, it will be handled automatically, you don't need to do anything.

-What exactly would the node filter protect us from? Just the cache being 
explicitly restarted on a different node? Or any potential rebalancing as well?
It will tell cluster that only nodes, which returns true after applying a 
predicate will store data for this cache. Of course, data won't be rebalanced 
to the nodes, that shouldn't store data for this cache.

>-The cluster will be explicitly set to active the first time that it is 
>created. All new nodes will then need to join the baseline topology to use 
>persistence. It seems like the way to do this is to use 
>IgniteCluster.setBaselineTopology. Is this method equivalent to adding the 
>specified BaselineNode objects to the already existing BaselineTopology? Or 
>does it completely reset the BaselineTopology with the specified BaselineNode 
>objects? If the second, then to update the BaselineTopology, 
>currentBaselineTopology would have to be called, the new node would have to be 
>added, and then the collection would have to be passed back to 
>setBaselineTopology. This would have a race condition if two nodes are trying 
>to join the baseline topology at the same time.
Yes, it's equivalent to just adding the node, but using this method you can 
just use one method for several topology changes(for example, adding 2 nodes to 
the BT), so it will merge events on the cluster level.
пн, 30 дек. 2019 г. в 12:08, Mitchell Rathbun (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) 

Thank you for the response. A couple of things:

-From your first response, it seems like the db id should be included in the 
cache name. Currently we just included it in the Ignite instance, but not the 
cache name, which I believe led to some of the issues we have seen.

-What exactly would the node filter protect us from? Just the cache being 
explicitly restarted on a different node? Or any potential rebalancing as well?

-The cluster will be explicitly set to active the first time that it is 
created. All new nodes will then need to join the baseline topology to use 
persistence. It seems like the way to do this is to use 
IgniteCluster.setBaselineTopology. Is this method equivalent to adding the 
specified BaselineNode objects to the already existing BaselineTopology? Or 
does it completely reset the BaselineTopology with the specified BaselineNode 
objects? If the second, then to update the BaselineTopology, 
currentBaselineTopology would have to be called, the new node would have to be 
added, and then the collection would have to be passed back to 
setBaselineTopology. This would have a race condition if two nodes are trying 
to join the baseline topology at the same time.

From: user@ignite.apache.org At: 12/30/19 14:16:33To:  Mitchell Rathbun 
(BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX ) ,  user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Re: Isolating IgniteCache instances across JVMs on same machine by id


1. If the cache mode is local, why does IgniteCluster even come into play? All 
that we want to do is to read/write from the work directory corresponding to 
our db id. Is there a way to get persistence without activating the 
Cluster needs to make sure that all nodes in cluster know about this cache to 
avoid situations in future when other nodes will try to create a distributed 
cache with the same name, for example.

2. How do we achieve the cache isolation we are looking for? Currently, if I 
have db A and B, this would result in IgniteA and IgniteB in separate JVM 
instances, each with their own directory. If I start IgniteA, and then IgniteB, 
IgniteB will complain about not being part of the BaselineTopology and will not 
use persistence. It seems like there are two options:
You can use NodeFilter for the cache: 
It will define a subset of the nodes, which will store data for this cache. So, 
you can set there only one node.
>-Have every node join the baseline topology when it comes up (I think there is 
>one per machine by default). This seems like it could work, but I am worried 
>about how rebalancing would work. If all of the server nodes are using LOCAL 
>cache mode, then would rebalancing ever occur? If it doesn't, then this seems 
>like it would be an easy enough solution. Also, where is the cluster state 
>stored (Members of baseline topology, etc.)?
No, rebalancing won't happen, it will be skipped. However, before that, nodes 
should exchange an information regarding new topology ad partition 

Baseline topology should contains all nodes that will store the data.


пн, 30 дек. 2019 г. в 10:59, Mitchell Rathbun (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX) 

Any thoughts on this?

From: user@ignite.apache.org At: 12/18/19 19:55:47To:  user@ignite.apache.org
Cc:  Anant Narayan (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEX ) ,  Ranjith Lingamaneni (BLOOMBERG/ 731 
LEX ) 
Subject: Isolating IgniteCache instances across JVMs on same machine by id

We have multiple different database instances for which we are looking into 
using Ignite as a local caching layer. Each db has a unique id that we are 
using as part of the IgniteInstanceName and for the WorkDirectory path. We are 
running IgniteCache in Local mode with persistence enabled, as we effectively 
want to completely separate the Ignite caches for each db id. However, this is 
not working due to the IgniteCluster being shared and the BaselineTopology 
concept. So a couple of questions:

1. If the cache mode is local, why does IgniteCluster even come into play? All 
that we want to do is to read/write from the work directory corresponding to 
our db id. Is there a way to get persistence without activating the 

2. How do we achieve the cache isolation we are looking for? Currently, if I 
have db A and B, this would result in IgniteA and IgniteB in separate JVM 
instances, each with their own directory. If I start IgniteA, and then IgniteB, 
IgniteB will complain about not being part of the BaselineTopology and will not 
use persistence. It seems like there are two options:

-Have every node join the baseline topology when it comes up (I think there is 
one per machine by default). This seems like it could work, but I am worried 
about how rebalancing would work. If all of the server nodes are using LOCAL 
cache mode, then would rebalancing ever occur? If it doesn't, then this seems 
like it would be an easy enough solution. Also, where is the cluster state 
stored (Members of baseline topology, etc.)?
-If rebalancing does come into play even if all caches are local, then it seems 
like separate clusters would have to be specified when starting up. 
https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/tcpip-discovery seems to provide a way to 
do that by making sure that TcpDiscoverySpi and TcpCommunicationSpi have 
different port ranges for every instance of the cluster. Again, this seems kind 
of like overkill if we know in advance that all of the caches will be local and 
will not need any of the cluster functionality.

Are there any other simpler options? We are only interested in the IgniteCache 
functionality at a local per process level, at least for now. We might have 
10-20 different caches on the same machine, and need these caches to be 
completely separated with no risk of any of the data being rebalanced/exposed 
to a different client instance. Ideally we would get persistence without having 
to activate IgniteCluster, but it does not seem like that is an option.

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