I am using Ignite 2.6 version.

I have partitioned cache, read-through and write-through is enabled.
Back-up count is 1 and total number of server nodes in cluster are  3.

When I try to get the data from a cache for a key using cache.get(key)
method, ignite reads the value from database using provided cache loader
and returns the value by read-through approach.

But when I execute cache().containsKey(key) on client node, I get false.

But the strange this is this behavior is not same for all keys of the same
For key1 I get false but for key2 I get true. But both the keys are present
in cache.

I executed the SQL on every node (one node at a time) using web-console, I
got data present only on one node out of three. This seems to be primary
for this particular key.

Can someone please advise why this is happening? Is it a bug in ignite?
This seems to be a very basic case.


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